
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Welcome Baby Bentley + Hospital Stay

We welcomed our sweet boy at 3:55 am on March 18, 2016. He weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces and was 21.5 inches long.

It really is amazing how you completely forget about all the pain you went through just moments before once you see your baby. He was so alert and didn't cry much. 4 am is really the perfect time to have a baby. Our parents were the only ones there waiting on him to be born, so they came in to meet him and visited with us for a little while, then they went home to get some rest. We were able to get some rest too.

Dad brought us breakfast because we were starving. Kip got cinnamon rolls and it made him so sick! Between the no sleep and exhaustion and sweetness of the cinnamon rolls, he was really nauseated. Luckily, we had a couple of hours so he could get some sleep. I was too excited to sleep, I just held my sweet boy and had some one on one time with him before we had a flood of visitors!

We had to wait until around lunchtime to be moved to a room, because they were all full. We had a couple of people stop by to see us while we were still in the delivery room. Jillian, Aunt Barbie, my grandparents, and Kip's grandmother that I can remember. 

I was feeling fantastic and was able to get a shower shortly after, because I didn't have the epidural long, so it didn't take long for it wear off! The nurses were actually more concerned about Kip than me! 

When we finally got to our room, we had so many more visitors that I honestly can't even remember who all came. (Terrible I know!) 

The hospital stay was awful. I hate to say that because we had some pretty great nurses, but just being in the hospital room and not your own home was dreadful. We had one nurse who was awesome...she would pop her head in at night and if I was asleep, she wouldn't bother coming in to check blood pressure, and all that other stuff they did every 2 hours. Bentley was pretty good. He struggled with latching because he was so impatient. We tried a lot of different things and he eventually started eating better. That was probably the most stressful thing...breastfeeding! 

I think I got about 5 hours of sleep the entire 2 days we were there. Most of that was when they had to take Bentley to the nursery for a couple of hours. We were so ready to get home where we could be more comfortable! 

PS. Remember all the heartburn I had? Well check out the hair on this baby! He came out with a HEAD FULL!

We finally were able to head home on Sunday, March 20th and we were beyond excited about that! Bentley loved the car and car seat. He didn't cry one time! 

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