
Monday, April 30, 2018


Springtime in Alabama is super moody. We never know what the weather is going to be like! Luckily, in 2017, it was pretty nice. We had a blast spending lots of time outside!

We went to Noccalula Falls with our BFF's on Spring Break! We don't get to spend a lot of time together, so when we do, we make sure to make the best of it! We ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A, then spent the afternoon at the Falls, then made a stop at Yogurttime for Ice Cream!

Once again, Amber (Amber Works Photography) took some adorable Spring pictures of Bentley! And this was an experience, let me tell you. Amber was doing Spring Mini Sessions up on the mountain. I was so not familiar with that area, so I got lost. Like bad lost. I was about 45 minutes late for our pictures, but Amber was awesome and worked us in. I was SUPER stressed, but she did a wonderful job and we love the pictures! 

Bentley got his first haircut. My sweet cousin, Sara Ruth did an amazing job! Bentley was pretty good, but we had to pull out the phone and let him watch videos to keep him calm! PS. Check out my awesome cousin in Southern Living Magazine

We celebrated my sweet friend, Amy's baby girl. She has been praying for mannnnnny months for this, and it FINALLY happened. We were SO excited for her and can't wait to meet miss Ava!

I love getting to be the Easter Bunny & Santa Claus. It is SO much fun! I love seeing the joy on my baby's face when he walks into our living room to see a surprise for him! 

We love getting to celebrate Easter. I try to talk to him about the reason for all the seasons, even at this young age. I want him to understand that it isn't about getting presents and dressing up in nice clothes and hiding eggs. I want him to understand the reason we celebrate Easter. It's not about the bunny or the eggs, its about the Lamb. We go to church as a family (every Sunday, but especially on Easter), and we spend time with our family. While it is so much fun to buy a new outfit and dress yourself and your child up, and spend time with family, it's about remembering what Jesus did for us on the cross.  That is the reason we celebrate. 

Kip & I had the honor of carrying a couple of guys from Gadsden City High School on a recruiting trip to the University of Alabama for A-Day. We had the BEST time. It was so much fun getting to see the athletic facility of my favorite team! 

These guys are pretty special. You will definitely be hearing their names in the next few years. They aren't sure where they will be going to play college ball, but wherever they do go, they will have 2 big supporters!

We made a big purchase too. A new Tahoe. I LOVE this car. It is perfect for our family. Now if we can just get it paid off! HAHAHA! 

This was my second year to celebrate Mother's Day. It really is special to think about what a mother is and how God gave us this amazing opportunity to be a mother. I have been blessed with some amazing mothers/grandmothers in my life. They are perfect examples of what a Christian mother/grandmother should be. I love that I have these wonderful women who can help me become an amazing mother and grandmother one day. 

Bentley Update: I cannot believe he is already a toddler. He is the most precious, strong willed, smart little boy. He started walking when he was about 11 months old and hasn't slowed down a bit. He is ALL boy and loves all things "ball". He's saying words and will repeat things you say. He knows where the sky is and points to the sky anytime we are outside. He LOVES to eat and when you ask if he wants "bite-bites" he says "mmmmmmmm". He waves and says bye, blows kisses, and he's started talking this hilarious little language that we can't understand but it's precious when he is telling us a story. He loves books and music. His daddy is definitely his favorite person ever. I love watching him grow and learn but it makes mama's heart a little sad to see him growing so fast!

Springtime is always fun. But SUMMER is coming! And we LOVE summer time, minus the Alabama heat. We get to go to the beach, pool, and river! I will leave you with a few more pictures of random happenings from our Spring! 

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