
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day 2016

These are some of my most favorite days of the year. I love my family and spending time with them. Every year, we go to my aunt's house (mom's sister) for Christmas Eve. We try to do a late lunch there and let the kids open gifts and adults play Dirty Santa. It's always a fun time!

After a fun day at my aunt's house, we head to Kip's grandmother, Babe's house. They usually eat around 4 or 5, so we don't miss out on much since we go to my aunt's early. 

It's usually bed time when we leave Babe's house, so we headed home and got ready for Santa to come!

Looks like Santa spoiled Bentley too! Guess he was a good boy this year! :) I was so excited to see what he was going to do the next morning!

Kip & I don't really give each other presents now that we are married. I usually get him something small or fill his stocking with snacks and candy and things like that. This year, he surprised me with this beautiful necklace. I felt TERRIBLE because I didn't get him much!!

We headed to bed, because we had a FULL day ahead of us the next day!

Every year for Christmas morning, Kip's parents always had breakfast at their house. His grandparents would come to eat. Same with me. My dad would always cook breakfast on Christmas morning and when we were younger my grandparents would come eat. We decided to have it at our house this year for our parents, so they could see what Santa brought Bentley. 

Bentley wasn't sure what to think about all the toys and stuff under the tree, but he warmed up to it quick! 

We loved having our parents at the house for breakfast! They didn't get to stay long because they had to go to church. 

Christmas Day is when dad's side of the family gets together. It is usually at my aunt Barbie's house or Uncle Mark's house, but the last couple of years, its been at my parents house. 

It's always sad when Christmas Day is over. I love this season and enjoy spending it with my family. We were tired this year though! :)

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