
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

First Three Months with BGW

I am basically doing this blog for myself to have years down the road when my kids are grown and I miss the days of having a baby in the house! 

The first three months of Bentley being with us were eventful, but so rewarding! Here are just some highlights I can remember and some posts from Facebook! 

Week 1
I cannot believe it's been a week since our sweet boy came into this world! We've had our ups and downs this week from not eating well in hospital to being a little pig now (and getting so mad when his bottle isn't ready at the drop of a hat) and adjusting to a new sleep schedule which is getting much better (sleeping 5+ hours at night!). Kip has been awesome helping out with everything, especially with me not feeling great for a few days. B is adjusting great and is such a good baby! He has his fussy moments as I'm sure all babies do, but overall he eats and sleeps most of the day and night! He weighs 8lbs 5oz now, so no more weight checks! Only 4 more ounces to go to get to his birth weight, which he will probably gain in the next few days as much as he eats! ðŸ˜Š 

Bentley's First Easter!
When Bentley was 10 days old, he went to church for the first time...on Easter! We sat in the balcony and B slept through the whole service. We left him in his seat covered with the carseat canopy, and got out of there quickly so not many people could get their germy hands on him! We aren't big germaphobes, but when a less than 2 week old baby, you don't want lots of people getting hands on him, especially during flu season! We went to my grandparents house to eat (mom's parents) right after church. Bentley had a super cute outfit on with a bow-tie, but during church, he had a major blowout and messed his clothes ALL up. After that, we went by Kip's grandmother's house for a little while. Bentley slept the majority of the time. One final stop by my aunt Barbie's house (dad's sister) and we headed back home. Bentley was fantastic throughout his first of MANY holiday trips to families houses! 

Week 2
I think my (almost) 2 week old is already fighting sleep. I LOVE him being awake and so alert, but I would prefer that he sleep at night! Little stinker has been awake since 3:30 this morning...and still bright-eyed 4 hours later! Luckily he's happy and not crying, but mommy needs some sleep! If I try to make him go to sleep or if he thinks he's gonna go to the sleep, it's the end of the world! But I do love seeing those big beautiful eyes!

We made our first (and definitely NOT the last) trip to my BFF, Jillian's house! Bentley enjoyed himself! 

Graison & Evelynn are now 2 of Bentley's favorite people to play with! We go to their house ALL the time, and Bentley will even ask to go over there! 

At one month old, Bentley got his first bath in the bathtub! He didn't cry, but he didn't particularly like it! 

One Month Pictures!

His shirt says "Daddy's Little Deputy" LOVE!!!

Mother's Day - May 8th

On Mother's Day, we dedicated our baby boy at church. This was such a special moment for first Mother's Day & I made a promise to the Lord that I would raise my child in His image! It was so special! 

May 9th - First Day of Daycare (and mommy's first day back to work)
My happy boy! He had a great first day (and mommy did ok too). I am so thankful for the sweet ladies who are taking care of my baby boy!

We watched Graison play T-ball! 

We spent Memorial Day with Family! 

We had our first "sick" visit to the Doctor in June. Just a yucky cold, but this Mama was worried about her baby! 

Bentley's first time at the pool! We went with Graison & Evelynn. He clearly enjoyed relaxing! :)

 The first 3 months of being a family of 3 was nothing short of amazing. We had our ups and downs adjusting to life with a newborn. As Kip said, the hardest part was just not being able to hop in the car and go. It was at least a 15 minute process of getting everything we need for baby. Between making sure we had diapers, wipes, extra clothes, bottles, extra milk, mommy's pump, something to store the pumped milk in, etc. it was a real struggle to make sure you had everything you need! No more just hoping in the car and going. You had to plan! But we absolutely LOVED getting to experience this amazing time! Lots of changes happened after the first 3 months, starting with TWO job changes! 

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