
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Job Changes for Mommy & Daddy

After MANY prayers, weighing pros and cons, and talking to A LOT of different people, Kip decided it was time to move on from the sheriff's office. He had an opportunity to be the school resource officer at the largest school in Etowah County (besides Gadsden City, which is in the Gadsden City School system, not Etowah County..just wanted to clear that up), Southside High School! I had pretty selfish intentions of wanting him to accept this position...that was my alma mater and I will always be a Panther! Also, my brother was a senior and played basketball. My parents and I went to just about every football game and of course every basketball game, and I was thrilled that we would no longer have to go without Kip! (He was always working another game in Sardis, where he was currently the SRO.) We also live like 30 seconds from the school, so he would right here at home and not 30+ minutes away, like he currently was. Those were my selfish intentions of wanting him to change jobs.

There were many other factors that influenced this change. not just my selfish intentions. It was going to be a better opportunity for him all around. He finally made the decision the end of June.

Mommy also made a job change. After working at the bank for over a year, I decided it wasn't for me anymore. I enjoyed working there and who I worked with, but things just happened that made me ready to move on. One of those things was my baby boy. I couldn't stand the thought of being away from him all day, 5 days a week. I was ready for something part time, because I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay home, especially not on Kip's salary (PS. They DO NOT pay law enforcement officers enough.) I wanted to at least stay at home for a little while, and we made it work, even though it was a STRUGGLE! 

I thought I had something lined up, but that ended up falling through, and I had to start looking for something else. I found what I thought was my dream job. (I say "what I thought" because I am not currently there anymore...more to come on that.) I would work 4 days a week and have Fridays off. I could bring Bentley with me any time I needed to, and there were no worries about being off or working from home if he was sick. It was PERFECT. I started working there in September. I had gotten to spend 2 months with my precious boy, and it really was a "God Thing" that other job didn't work out. 

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