
Monday, April 30, 2018

Summer Shenanigans

Summer 2017 was one for the BOOKS! We had so much fun! We started our summer off with a trip to Gulf Shores/Orange Beach for Kip's TAASRO conference.

These pictures describe how difficult it is get a decent picture of our family! HAHAHA!

Daddy went fishing one day, so Bentley & I headed to Daphne to see our friends that we don't get to see much! We had a great day visiting with them and getting to see their beautiful house! Bentley & Logan are close to the same age, so they had a good time playing together! 

It took a couple of days for Bentley to get used to the water, but once he did, he didn't want to get out!

Kip's cousin Joey & Lynn live in Foley. We went down and stayed with them one night. We don't get to see them much, so it was nice to be able to visit with them! 

I have Fridays off & so does mom, so we headed to the Piedmont Aquatic Center one Friday with Jillian & the kids! He wasn't a big fan of the water, but overall, we had a great time!

Father's Day

In July, we had our McRae family beach trip! Always one of my favorite things to do in the summertime! 

Our typical trip looks the same every year. We usually go down on Friday afternoon and stay in a hotel. We get up Saturday and go to Shipwreck Island Water Park and spend the day. Then we check into our condo and relax that evening. 

Sunday, we spent the day at the beach then went to eat at Uncle Ernie's on the Bay. I think I have mentioned this before, but if you go to Panama City Beach...go eat at Uncle Ernies!! We played PuttPutt after, and Bentley didn't like the toy club. He had to have his own REAL club! 

Monday was another beach day! Monday night, we went to Dave & Busters at Pier Park. 

Bentley was too busy eating a snow cone to get a picture with us!

Tuesday was July 4th. We went to eat at Hammerhead Freds for dinner then went to ride the Sea Screamer for the fireworks cruise! 

One of our favorite things ever is riding the Sea Screamer. Another MUST DO when you are in PCB!

Wednesday is always Angelos Steak Pit night! 

Thursday, we usually go back to Pier Park, but this year we changed it up a bit. We stayed at the beach ALLLLLL day! Dad went and picked up Schooners for us and brought it back. We had SO much fun just spending the entire day at the beach! We even got in a cornhole battle with a group of people sitting by us!

Friday was our last day. We made the most of it at beach & pool. Captain Anderson's for dinner is always a must on our last night. We like to go out with a bang! :)

We love getting to watch the beautiful sunsets from the balcony. It is amazing to see the beauty of God's creation. 


We spent a lot of time with Jillian & her kids on Fridays. We went to the Falls & shopping. It was SO hot! 

It wouldn't be summertime if we getting get soaking wet playing with the water hose & get grass all over our feet! 

We got daddy's golf cart from the school & cleaning it up and took it for a drive! 

We hung out with daddy while he worked at Southside City Fest!

Kip played in a whiffle ball league that the City of Southside had. Their team won FIRST PLACE! 

We got to spend time with PaPa & Bec-Bec on the boat!

We love summertime and always hate to see it come to an end. I am not a fan of hot weather, but if I've got a river, boat, pool, or beach its all good! :)

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