
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Bentley's First Halloween & Thanksgiving

I have always been a big holiday person. I try to decorate my house for each holiday/season, and I always love getting together with our families, especially those we don't see often! Holidays are so much more exciting and fun now that we have Bentley. You best believe I had him a few A TON of outfits for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. He probably wore a "festive" shirt every day. What can I say...I LOVE the holidays.

For Bentley's first Halloween, he was a "Dinky Dragon" and OF COURSE it was SO hot outside. We went to my parent's church for their Trunk or Treat & Fall Fest and mom let him play a couple of the games. 

He had fun watching everybody and laughing...he got so tickled! 

After that, we went to our church's Fall Fest. We didn't play any games or anything there. We did get to see our friend Lennon, who was also a Dinky Dragon! Lennon is about 9 months older than Bentley, but in a few years, they are going to LOVE playing together! PS. They are both cute is that?!

We went trick-or-treating with Clai & Jillian, their babies, and some more of our friends. And TERRIBLE MOM HERE...did not take ANY pictures. :( Bentley pretty much rode in the stroller and we walked along with everybody. 

Mom and I carried Bentley to the park for the first time in October. He absolutely loved swinging and just giggled and kicked his feet! He was so happy to be outside and playing!

We had our first "professional" pictures (other than the hospital pictures that they take right after you have a baby) in October as well. Bentley did SO good, and Kip and I weren't going to get in them, but Amber (Amber Works Photography) insisted on getting one picture of us, so Kip was in his work uniform, and I am so glad she did. I love that picture of us! She did a Fall set and a Christmas set, so we knocked out both in one day! 

A HUGE event in November 2016....the Presidential election. Trump vs. Hilary. I had to make sure everyone knew I voted...because apparently, you didn't really vote if you don't take a picture and post it on social media. ;-)

We celebrated Graison's birthday at The Factory, Gadsden too! Bentley had so much fun jumping on the trampolines! 

Thanksgiving was a BUSY day for us as always. We try to visit all family in one day, and well with a baby, that's not the easiest thing to do. We first went to my aunt's house (mom's sister) and ate lunch and visited with them for a while. 

We then went to Kip's grandmother's house. Bentley was tired and grumpy. He wasn't interested in taking pictures. 

Everyone was clapping and talking really loud to try to get all the kids' attention and Bentley DID NOT like it. He was not having it. 

It's pretty impossible to get 4 kids under 5 to take a picture. You gotta take what you can get! HAHAHA! 

Holiday Season is upon us!

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