
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Christmas Time is Here!

Christmas really is so much more fun and magical when you have a child. It has always been my favorite season/holiday since I was little. I was lucky enough to get to help be "Santa' for years because my brother is 10 years younger than me, and even when he stopped believing, my parents still did "Santa" for us, so I got to spend years helping my parents set everything up on Christmas Eve.

We have so many things that happen during December and Christmas time that I am going to split this post into 2. This one is going to be about our December happenings and small, family Christmas parties. I will do another post for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!

On December 2nd, my brother has his Senior Coronation ("Coro" as all the cool kids call it). I just had to throw this in here, because he is just so handsome!

We carried Bentley to see Santa when we were in Birmingham and you can clearly see how well that turned out. Poor dad and Kip were just mortified that we made him suffer like that. 

We put our tree up around Thanksgiving. Bentley didn't even pay any attention to it until about 2 weeks later. He LOVED it, but never really pulled anything off of it. 

We had more family pictures made for Christmas in December that a sweet friend did for us. 

My brother started his senior season of basketball. They had their first home game in December and their first area game too. They won their first area game by 1 point and it was the most exciting game I've ever watched them play. 

Bentley had his first major illness....RSV. He started running a fever on a Saturday and we thought it was just a cold, because he has run a low grade fever in the past when he has had a cold. He started going down hill quickly Saturday night and Sunday morning. We were at the doctor's office as soon as they opened Sunday afternoon. I figured they would say that it was just a bad cold, but they tested him for RSV, and BAM....positive. They gave him a breathing treatment in the office and then sent us home with one and a prescription for albuterol. Bentley LOVED the breathing treatments and was SO good during them! 

MiMi and Pop Pop felt so bad for this sick baby that they gave him an early Christmas present. We wasn't sure what to do with it. 

He got the Little People Manger Scene! I think Mommy was more excited than he was! :)

We spent many a day/night at basketball gyms. I love watching my brother play and this was going to be the last opportunity I had, so we soaked it up as much as we could. Bentley was a champ the whole season! 

He made this shot BTW :) D-Mac for 3!

PopPop LOVED getting to love on Bentley at the games!

We always do our family Christmas with my family early...because we are so busy with extended families on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. We had had the McRae family Christmas on December 18th. My parents SPOILED my child. No joke. 

Bentley's gifts from MiMi & Pop Pop. 

They could have just gotten him a bow and he would have been perfectly happy! :)

Every year, we go to Christmas at the Falls at Noccalula Falls in Gadsden. It is where we got engaged! We had to take Bentley of course for his first year. We actually forgot the stroller and had to carry him. It was PACKED. We didn't even try to ride the train, because the line was so long. We didn't go see Santa, again because the line was long. And we didn't go to the petting zoo, because....again...lines of people. We just walked around and looked at the lights. Bentley had a good time. 

We didn't try a family "selfie" because daddy isn't a fan, so we just got a picture of mommy and B!

We did an early Christmas with Kip's parents too. It is just so much easier to do our small get-together's early. We had the Williams' family Christmas on December 23rd. Once again...Bentley was SPOILED by Bec-Bec & PaPa! He is the only grandchild on BOTH sides, so it was just bound to happen. 

He got blocks, books, a stuffed Mickey, clothes, and the cutest little born teether that vibrates. He LOVED that thing. 

Only 2 more days until Christmas Day! 

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