
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Bentley - Month to Month

I am going to combine this month to month post in one post. I am just pulling my information from Facebook! :)

1 Month Old! 

Bentley can roll from his stomach to his back, loves looking at lights, tries to talk and sing when you talk and sing to him, loves to be held and cuddled, and is so nosy-afraid he's going to miss something! He is already fighting sleep during the day but goes right to sleep at night and sleeps anywhere from 6-8 hours! He has brought so much joy and love into our lives in just a short month! Weight: 9 lbs. Height: 22 in

2 Months Old! 

Bentley loves to smile, talk, sing and play patty cake. He hates being held like a baby...he wants to sit up so he can see what is going on! He loves to look at lights and ceiling fans, watch tv, and look at (and talk to) mommy's stuffed animals that are at MiMi and Pop Pop's house. He is growing way too fast but I love seeing his little personality coming out. Weight: 12 lbs. Height: 24 in. 

3 Months Old! 

Taking the monthly pictures are becoming quite difficult! Between the drool, hands in the mouth, and him wanting to get up and go it's hard to get a decent picture of him! He has brought so much joy into our lives. His little personality is starting to shine through. He loves to sit in his bumbo and play with his toys, sit in the exersaucer, and watch TV. He's pretty much a happy baby unless he is hungry or sleepy! He smiles ALL the time! 

4 Months Old! 

His little personality melts my heart! He is either hot or cold-really happy, smiling, and "talking" or really mad-screaming and crying. There is no in between! He LOVES to talk and discovered his little voice at the beach. He loves to be talked to, sang to, and read to. He absolutely loves to play in his exersaucer and bumbo seat. He loves watching TV as long as it's on sports or Disney Jr. He has started reaching for people when they hold their hands out. He is also rolling over and trying to scoot when he is on his belly. 

5 Months Old! 

Bentley is sitting up by himself now. He also LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He is amazed by watching anybody eat and will smack his lips. He loves eating bananas. He tries to scoot when he is on his tummy but hasn't quite figured it out yet! He is wearing 6 month clothes and has been for as few weeks. He went to his first football game and was very good! He has started cutting teeth, but none have come thru yet! He loves to talk and says DaDa, MaMa, and Hi. A rough estimate with our scale at home shows he weighs 18lbs! Big boy! Weight: 15 lbs. Height: 25 in. 

6 Months Old!

Our big boy is 18.4 lbs and 27 inches long at 6 months! He LOVES to eat, play peek-a-boo, and he can now pull up and stand while holding on to something steady. He rolls and scoots around but hasn't started crawling yet. He loves the walker at Mimi's house and he is a quick little thing walking around the house in it! He's the happiest baby I've ever seen and doesn't cry very often! He is growing way too fast but I love watching his little personality come out!

7 Months Old!

Bentley weighs about 19 lbs and wearing mostly 9-12 month clothes. He is ON THE MOVE! He started crawling about a week ago and he hasn't stopped since. He pulls up on anything he can find so I imagine he may start taking some steps soon! 😳 He LOVES to play and read books. He loves to get your hands and clap them, play peek-a-boo, and he has started giving kisses! He loves to watch "Wheels on the Bus" on YouTube and anything on TV. He doesn't have any teeth yet but he chews on everything! He loves to eat and just started eating stage 2 meats. His favorite is chicken and rice! Oh and he LOVES mommy and daddy!

8 Months Old!

Time is FLYING by way too fast! He is all over the place crawling as fast as he can. He pulls up and will stand for a few seconds by himself before falling. He started eating table foods yesterday for Thanksgiving. He had creamed corn, hash brown casserole, a few bites of dressing, and sweet potatoes. He has 2 teeth on the bottom that came in FAST! He is sleeping all night (usually around 10 hours) in his own bed. Oh and he HATES Santa! 😂He is the most precious thing ever and we are so thankful God gave us this lil turkey! He is the light of our lives! 

9 Months Old!

This little boy is definitely the light of our lives! He is the sweetest thing and has the most precious personality ever! We had our first real sick visit to the doctor with RSV. He handled it like a champ! He weighs 20.3lbs and is 28 inches tall. He is wearing mostly 12 month clothes. He says mama and da-dee all the time. He says uh oh, hey, and B a lot too! He loves eating table food and we haven't really found anything he didn't like! He's very strong-willed and it's just getting worse (oh no!) but he is precious and I love watching him grow and learn new things!!

10 Months Old!

It's so hard to believe that we are about to start planning his 1st birthday! He is changing just about every day. We weigh in at 21 lbs and 30 inches tall. He moved up to Mrs. Becky's room at daycare from the baby room and he takes a few steps occasionally. He eats just about anything we give him and he's not too picky, except recently he's started going thru a stage where he gags when he eats. He's a stubborn little booger and hears the word "No" at least 20 times a day! He's so very smart and says lots of words. His favorite things to say are "Dada", "ByeBye", Baba", and occasionally he will say Mama but usually when he's upset or tired. He tries to repeat things we say. He loves to play and is so busy and nosy. He constantly studies things, like he is trying to figure out how they work. He still only had 2 teeth on bottom, but I noticed today that the top 2 front teeth are peaking thru! He is a little flirt and LOVES the girls! I never truly understood when people meant when they would say, "They grow up too fast", but I sure do now. He is definitely growing up too fast and while I love watching him grow and learn new things, I also miss my tiny little baby boy sometimes!

11 Months Old!

Probably the hardest monthly picture we've taken. He would not give up his brush, wanted to stand up/jump out of the chair, but these pictures describe our Bentley Gene perfectly....our little bit is 11 months old. His first birthday is less than a month away. I'm completely overwhelmed with the fact that my baby is pretty much a toddler now. He is probably the most strong-willed child ever. He's gotten a little mean streak to him where he hits and pushes people/things away when he's mad or doesn't want them/it. He is walking ALL OVER THE PLACE and into EVERYTHING. He eats just about anything (and loves every bite). He's saying more words and will repeat what you say. He will clap his hands when you sing "if you're happy and you know it". He points at things and says "dat". He has 2 bottom teeth and his 2 top teeth are coming in fast! Not sure if there's any more coming in or not...he bites too hard to check! 😜He's wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 3 shoes (which he hates shoes). This year has flown by and it makes my heart a little sad that I no longer have a "baby"! Time really does fly by and I now understand what people mean by "don't blink". 


He weighs 21 lbs and is 31 inches tall. He loves to run and play, loves to read, watch TV, and eat! He sleeps through the night (12+ hours) in his own bed and will usually lay down and go to sleep without a fight. We got rid of bottle a week after he turned 1 and he has been a champ without it! He loves to play outside! He had the best Mickey Mouse party! Blog Post to come! 

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