
Friday, April 20, 2018

2nd & 3rd Trimester & Showers!

The 2nd trimester wasn't anything too crazy. I felt pretty good. I didn't really get miserable until the 3rd trimester...those last couple of weeks, my feet and legs would swell up so bad and hurt. I couldn't eat anything after 6 pm or I would wake up at night with acid reflux and get so sick. The heartburn in the 3rd trimester was unbelievably horrible. I honestly didn't have any major issues with my pregnancy and felt pretty good most of the time.

Those last couple of weeks, I remember having serious contractions that had me in tears. I would get in the warm bath and they would ease up, so I knew it wasn't the "real thing". I was dilated to 3cm and 50% effaced from about 37 weeks on. I guess those contractions were doing something, just not enough.

We had some awesome friends and family who threw us numerous showers! We got everything we needed for baby boy PLUS some!

Our first shower was Kip's sweet work friends at Sardis Middle threw us (Kip really) a diaper and wipe shower! We got so many diapers and wipes that we didn't have to buy ANY diapers for the first 9 months and wipes until 15 months!!

Our second shower was my friend shower. My sweet friends threw me a small shower and it was perfect!

Our biggest shower was given by our sweet church family. We got over $400 in gift cards and so many more essential items for Mr. Bentley.

Our last shower was my work shower. It was just a small shower with the Eastside Branch and Glencoe branch. We got even more things that we needed for Bentley. I think we were finally all set for this arrival...which is an interesting one! Blog post to follow with the birth story!

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