
Monday, April 23, 2018

Bentley's Birth Story

Bentley's due date was Friday, March 18th. I had my 40 week appointment scheduled for that day. I was told that if he hadn't come by then, they would talk about inducing me the next week. I had planned for my last day of work to be Thursday, March 17th. I worked until 2:00pm on March 17th. It was the best I had felt in the last couple of weeks. I went home and rested for a little while, then Kip & I went to eat at my parents house for dinner. We got home and it was a beautiful afternoon/evening. Kip was working in the yard and I had cleaned out some stuff (nesting stage had hit that weekend) so I carried it to the Kings Ranch boxes. I got the car seat adjusted and secured in the car along with the mirror so I could see my sweet baby once he was with us. We went inside and watched TV until it was time for bed. I was going to take a quick bath and attempt to shave my legs (since I had an appointment the next morning). Kip was getting ready for bed. I started the bath water, brushed my teeth, and was starting to take my makeup off and wash my face when all the sudden my water broke. I yell at Kip and he literally asks me if I peed on myself. EYE ROLL. I tried to stop the flow and it just kept coming. So I say...No...I'm pretty sure this is not pee! I call the doctor and they said to go on to the hospital. At this point I was feeling completely normal, no pain, no weird tingles or anything. Kip hopped in the shower while I gathered a few things, my bag, Bentley's bag, made sure the pets had food and water, did some last minute straightening up of the house, and off we went about 30 minutes later. Kip kept asking how I felt, and every time I said I was fine. We were about halfway to the hospital when I asked him if he could step it up a little. I was starting to feel uncomfortable, but not hurting yet. 5 minutes later, I grab his arm and said, "GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" so he takes off. We probably got to the hospital in about 2 minutes from that point, where we were still a good 10 minutes away. I have to share this part of the story because it really cracks me up now, even though it did not at the time. We walk in the emergency room (it was 11 pm at night) and the guy at the counter doesn't even look up...he just says, "You need to see a doctor?" and I yeah. He says, "Ok sign in here". I was about to say something when a nurse walks by and says, "OH MY GOSH ARE YOU IN LABOR? COME OVER HERE DON'T SIGN IN!"

So I go to the registration desk (which let me tell you...if you are pregnant, go ahead and do this before you go into labor!) We get registered, they bring me a wheelchair and off we go to labor and delivery. I am in some pretty serious pain at this point. We get into a "holding" room where the nurse gives me a gown to put on, gets my vitals, checks to see how much I am dilated, asks a bunch of questions, etc. At this point, I am in so much pain I get sick. Upset stomach and vomiting, all the while having contractions. It was HORRIBLE!!! I finally feel OK enough to get back in the bed, so they could hook up the monitors and everything. She checks me and I am at 4 cm. Another funny story (you will see why soon)...Kip asked which doctor was on call. She told us, and we weren't exactly thrilled about her answer. She replies with, "Oh you probably wont even see that doctor, but Dr. Frederick will be here at 7am. I am sure that is who you will end up seeing." (jinx #1) which was fine with us, because in our "perfect" birth plan, she was one of the doctors that I wanted to deliver my baby anyway.

We finally get taken to a labor and delivery room around midnight probably. I am BEGGING for medicine and an epidural at this point. The nurse starts the IV and gives me a pain medicine. It does help a little but not much. She said they would need to check my blood to make sure I could get an epidural...WHAT??? Excuse me, but you are giving me an epidural I DON'T CARE. I was a bit anemic during pregnancy, and they told me that I needed to get my iron up before delivery or I may not be able to have an epidural. I was not happy. I remember telling Kip that if they don't give me an epidural, I would stab somebody in the eyeballs. So sweet, I know. I honestly don't even remember what time they came in to give me the epidural. It wasn't that bad to be honest.  I think I was in so much pain that I didn't mind them sticking a big long needle in my back. The hardest part was that Kip had to leave the room for about 30 minutes while they did it. The nurse, who was amazing I might add, told me that we would be able to get some rest once the epidural was in. (jinx #2) As she was trying to get the catheter inserted, she was struggling and couldn't figure out why. She decided to check and see how dilated I was and lo and behold...I was at a 10 and baby's head was RIGHT there. So no catheter...but time to push. Kip comes back in and I am wondering where the heck is the doctor?!? Just so you know if you've never had a baby...the doctor doesn't come in until baby is almost out. The nurse is doing all the work! I am pushing and it was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever felt. Probably because my child was face up...they tried to turn him but he was trying to come out so fast they couldn't. Dr. Manning came in and tried to use the suction. That wasn't much help. I remember the nurses telling me, one more push, you are almost there! They probably told me that 15 times and if they had said it one more time, I would have snapped. I think I pushed for close to 2 hours before he made is entrance. I had all but given up and was ready to just say...lets just do a c-section and get him out. The nurse told more big push and he will be here! So I gave it everything I had and pushed that baby out at 3:55 am. I was completely relieved and completely exhausted. The worst was over!

I have ZERO pictures of labor. We honestly had no time to even worry about pictures, but I do wish I had gotten someone to snap a few!

PS. Jinx #1: Nurse telling us we wouldn't see Dr. Manning at all, because he went off call at 7 am. Well he delivered Bentley, and let me tell you...he was pretty amazing. He was not my first choice of doctors when we first met him, but his demeanor in the delivery room was nothing short of amazing.
Jinx #2: You can get some rest once you get the epidural. No rest at all...had to start pushing!

Welcome Baby Bentley & Hospital Stay Post Coming Soon!

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