
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wedding Preparations

The week of the wedding I was beyond nervous, excited, stressed, happy, just completely filled with all different emotions.  The Thrusday before the wedding, I got a spray tan for the first time ever.  I was so nervous about it.  I was so afraid I was going to look orange and fake, but it turned out perfect! Funny thing though....I wasn't suppose to wear a bra and I had to go to the grocery store....and then to Oxford to pick up tuxes. So I had to make it work! Haha! I did go to the grocery store with no bra on though (TMI?).

We went to Bowties in Oxford to pick up and try on tuxes.  All the groomsmen met us there except Justin and Clai.  Clai works in Oxford, so he got his on his lunch break and Justin was coming home from Orlando, so he wasn't there in time. Everyone's tuxes fit...except Kip's dad.  His was too big!! And Kyle said his worked, but it was a little small.  Big Kip and Kyle decided to swap tuxes and everything fit perfectly!! Thank you Lord!!

Friday morning, I got up and went to mine and Kip's house. I had planned a Bridesmaids brunch for my bridesmaids.  I had cooked breakfast...nothing fancy-just breakfast casserole, biscuits, and fruit.  We hung out and I gave them their gifts! (SUPER EXCITED TO DO THAT BY THE WAY!) I got them a little makeup bag and in the bag I had rolled up a had a fabric pocket on it that had their initials.  Each girl's was different.  After we ate breakfast and hung out a little while, I had to make a pit stop at work.  I was going to be gone for a whole week, so Max needed the debit card and it was locked up in my office! After Jillian and I went to work, we met everyone else at the church.  They were decorating for the reception and the rehearsal dinner.  We had some stuff to take to the church to set up too, and I am so thankful that my bridesmaids helped me out! We went to get our nails done after that! Then off to the rehearsal!

I am so upset that I don't have ANY pics from the day, other than one. Hopefully somebody took pics! :)

The Rehearsal went fairly smoothly I think. We had dinner first to give everyone time to get there! After the rehearsal, some of our friends came to the house and we hung out until time for bed!

 My sweet bridesmaids after our breakfast! 

Up Next: Wedding Day!

Until Next Time, 

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