
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Our Wedding Day - 2/8/2014

February 8th, 2014....our wedding day. The best day of my life-so far!

I woke up VERY early that morning to get my hair done.  Dad drove me to the hair salon and Mom picked me up.  She needed a little extra time to get ready, and it worked out perfectly.  Deanna did my hair and it looked gorgeous! I loved it!! After we left the salon, we headed to the church.  The nerves were beginning to set in. We were the first ones at the church, other than my cousin Toni and Aunt Nancy.  They had brought my cake. It was PERFECT!!! I didn't want them to cut it!  I had a few minutes to look around at the reception area. It was PERFECT! Everything was perfect!

We headed down to the basement to start getting ready. Lexie, my ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL photographer (seriously if you are getting married and need a photographer please look her up-LYBPhotos), showed up not long after and started taking pics of us getting ready.  Kelly, one of my sweet bridesmaid's mommas did our makeup! LOVED IT!!! I need her to move in with my and do my makeup every morning! haha!

Once we were ready, we took pics with my bridesmaids, then Lexie took a few of me since I didn't have a bridal session.  Then it was time for me to see Kip. When Lexie went to get him...I lost it. Seriously-boo hooing like a little baby. All the emotions hit at the one moment. I'm talking U-G-L-Y cry. I collected myself enough to finally walk down the isle and say Kip's name...but as soon as he turned around I lost it again. I just boo-hooed. I am emotional anyway....but I was super emotional.  After a few minutes of us just hugging and talking, we got to relax. No cameras or anything for a few minutes.  I felt 10000000 times better after getting to see Kip.  After we completed pictures, I had to go into hiding. I could see all the cars in the parking lot, and began to get really nervous and emotional again. I held my composure though.  At about 10 minutes until 2pm, I headed up to the vestibule to line up.  The church was PACKED. I mean like FULLLLL. People were sitting in the balcony.  I began to worry that we weren't going to have enough food, seats, etc.  But as I started walking down the isle, I completely forgot about all the people that were there.  I don't remember much of the ceremony, except that when we were doing the unity candle, I got wax all over my fingers, ring, and face. It burned so bad! Kip wiped the wax off my face (I know, I do you get wax on your face??).  Then it was over and we headed to the reception.  When we walked in, there was hardly room to walk. It was PACKED! I panicked and finally realized that they had set up MORE tables in the back of the gym! Perfectly fine with me...calmed my nerves a little about the seating.  We didn't really get to eat much. We tried to sit down and eat but people kept coming up to us to talk and that is perfectly fine! I got to see people I haven't seen in years and it was awesome! We left the church about 4:15...we did the bouquet toss (and I am such a bad person that I have no idea who caught it! Maybe Molly? Geez I am a bad friend! :( But then the garter toss...none of the guys went for it, but Fred shoved it in his pocket! haha! We left with bubbles being blown in our faces and got in a Sheriff car! We drove off with lights and siren and all! It was so awesome!! We drove to Mike Osborn's house to pick up my car and leave the sheriff car, but Kip forgot my car keys at the church! HAHA!! So back to the church we go! It worked out good though...I got to change clothes and gather all my stuff.

It was the best day we could have ever asked for! I cannot wait to get my pictures back! Our photographer just told me she hopes to have them by the end of this week! YAY!!

Here are a few pics that I stole from people's facebook and instagram accounts! :)

Perfect day, perfect weather, perfect everything!!


Until Next Time,

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