
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Random November Happenings.

November and December were such busy months for us...with wedding planning, holidays, graduation, birthdays, and fun outings! I just love the holidays!!

We always go to at least one Alabama game each year - or try to anyway. This year we went to one of those "nobody" games..the game wasn't even on TV. It was so much fun though! Just being in Bryant-Denny stadium in that atmosphere is so exciting! After the game, we hung out just outside the stadium to see if we saw any of the players. We saw a few walk by, but weren't sure who they were. Then...we saw Vinnie Sunseri! Yep that's right! I got a pic with him but I cannot find it to post it here! :( SAD! Then a few minutes later, we saw Landon Collins! Kip, Dylan, and I got a picture with him and he signed some game - used gloves that Kip had! We had a great time! It was a fun trip!!

We had to rush home on Sunday morning to get back for Graison's 2nd birthday party! I could NOT miss my little buddy's birthday! He had the cutest little "He-He" aka. Mickey party! That poor baby didn't feel good and he ended up having a fever! Poor Thing!!

 Sweet sister in her Minnie Mouse outfit!
 Playing on the playground!
Opening gifts!

I honestly don't really remember much about Thanksgiving. I know we went to my aunt Pam's house and then to Kip's grandmother's but there weren't any big things that happened I don't guess! I do remember that we got an awesome Black Friday deal - a 6o" LED TV! We didn't even have to fight the crowds...Best Buy posted their deals online Thursday morning, so we got an awesome deal! 

We watched the Southside High playoff game on TV Friday night. A little background on that: When I was in school at SHS, we barely won 10 games my whole 5 years at the school. The last time Southside was undefeated was maybe the 80' it was a BIG deal that they had made it to the playoffs. The game we watched Friday night was like the final 4 or something. If they won, they went to Tuscaloosa to play for the state championship. Yes...Southside Panthers could possibly play for the state championship. They were playing Muscle Shoals. The game did not turn out very good...they ended up losing and didn't play their best. What a let down...I was very excited for my alma mater! But I was still excited that they had the season they did! It was awesome!

The next day...probably one of the biggest days in the state...Alabama vs. Auburn. This was the game that basically determined who would play for the SEC Championship and possibly the National Championship. Alabama was sitting in the #1 spot with Auburn in the #4 spot. Auburn had only lost 1 game to LSU early in the season. Alabama was undefeated. My nerves were through the roof. I was always nervous about this game...even the year before when Auburn had only won 3 games all season. The game started...I don't even remember much about it except that I felt like I was going to throw up through the whole thing. I think Alabama got a pretty good lead and I felt a little better but you can NEVER count Auburn out of a football game. Trust us...we Bama fans know how that is! The end of the was tied. Time had run out and we were heading to OT. Nick Saban argues that there should be 1 second left on the clock. So 1 second was added. 1 second....we lined up to kick a long field goal. In my mind I am thinking...ok so we are either going to make the field goal and win or go into OT and still have chance. BOY WAS I MISTAKEN. The field goal is is perfect. If it would have went 5 more feet it may have been good. But lo and behold an Auburn player was in the end zone. He caught the football and started running. He ran all the way to the other endzone...and scored a TD. Game over-Auburn won. Alabama's season is basically over. What a bummer. I was so upset...really. I cried. I don't remember the last time I cried over a ballgame. It was dreadful. Then I got sick that night. Probably from the 5 year old macaroni I fixed at Kip's house. It tasted awful but I was starving and needed something to eat. But I am still and always will be ROLL TIDE forever. But that hurt. Bad. 

Up next-Kip's graduation!

Until Next Time, 

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