
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Honeymoon Day 4

Wednesday was such a CRAZY day. Everyone has been talking a major winter storm that was suppose to hit sometime on Wednesday...all of Alabama was shutting down-especially since what happened on January 28th. (Blog post to come soon about that one!)

According to my ABC 33/40 weather app, we were under a winter storm warning with the possibility of 6-10 inches of accumulating snow. WHHHHAAAT?? I wasn't sure how I felt about that...being on top of a mountain and all. The time frame was a little uncertain, but said anywhere from noon - midnight. So...we decided to head on into downtown Gatlinburg early just in case. We went to the Aquarium first. 

Kip's favorite thing were the penguins! He LOVES penguins!  He was like a little kid on Christmas morning! :)

 Look at those TEETH! :-0

After the aquarium, we went to eat lunch at the Smokey Mountain Brewery.  There were snow flurries falling, but that was about it. Nothing more than a few flurries. It was us and another family eating...there wasn't ANYONE in town.  We weren't sure if it was because it was the middle of the week in February or because of the supposed "blizzard" that was coming. We got the buffalo chicken pizza...DE-LISH! I could have eaten the whole thing...if I wasn't making myself sick thinking about how we were going to make it back to the cabin. At this point...the snow was falling so hard that you could barely see anything outside. It wasn't sticking to the roads yet, so we knew we were still ok.

We hurried up and finished our pizza...and ran in a few shops quickly (Walgreens to get a SLED!) but didn't stay very long. I had to walk with my head down the entire way because the snow was coming down so hard I could not see!

We did stop for a picture quickly, though.

We headed back toward our cabin and the sight was BEAUTIFUL. A complete winter wonderland! GORGEOUS...I really cannot think of any other word to describe it! And the pictures do NOT even begin to describe the beauty!

The snow coming down so hard, covering the trees and the ground, was the MOST beautiful sight to see.  We made it back to the cabin safely around 1:00 pm...there was a little snow covering the roads up in the mountains getting to our cabin, but nothing too thick.

We relaxed and enjoyed watching the snow fall the rest of the day.  I cooked Jambalaya for dinner and we spent some time in the hot tub outside while the snow was falling.  If you have never relaxed in a hot tub while watching the snow fall, I suggest you do it before you die. It is so relaxing!!

We enjoyed our night in, watching the snow, by the fire, watching Big Bang Theory, and just relaxing!

Oh and by the way...6.5 inches of snow on the ground when we went to bed that night...and still coming down!!

Until Next Time,

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