
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Honeymoon Day 3

Tuesday was our lazy day.  We stayed in and ate lunch at the cabin.  We were scheduled to go to the Lumberjack Feud Dinner Show that night.  We got bored and decided to go into town a little early and hit up a few shops...especially the Christmas Shop!!

Doors opened at 4:15 for the Lumberjack Feud, so we headed over and went in.  We got to our seats and I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. 

I knew we were going to eat dinner and watch a show, but what kind of show?? I had no idea.  Kip thought it was like the lumberjack competitions where they cut wood and stuff. He was SO excited. He said I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much as he would though. We went in and sat down. Great Seats! We were the McGraws (at this point, I had no clue what that meant!).  We were sitting down and waiter came up and took our drink order. Sweet tea for me of course! :) Then this girl came up and asked Kip if he wanted to participate. He said he would...she asked him if he would climb a tree. A TREE? WHATTTTT?? He agreed! I was a nervous wreck. He was excited...typical man.

We got our was delicious. Baked chicken, pork loin with gravy, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, green beans, a roll, and an apple fritter.

The show was awesome. I mean...completely awesome. Best show I have EVER seen! HIGHLY recommend spending $50.00/per person to see it!

Kip was right on about the lumberjack competitions. But he was dead wrong about me not enjoying it! LOVED IT!!! He participated in one of the competitions....the tree climb. And he won! That's right. My man won! :)

We had an awesome time...probably one of the best days of the trip for sure! :)

Until Next Time,

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