
Friday, March 21, 2014

Kip's New Job

Kip went for an interview the Thursday before our wedding at the Sheriff's office for an SRO position.  We were patiently waiting to hear back, so on Friday, February 21st, he got a text from Chief Barton.  Chief asked if he could come talk on him on Monday about 9am.  Kip was on pins and needles all was I! We didn't know what this could mean! A job? The job he interviewed for? A deputy posiiton? WHAT COULD IT BE???

He went to see Chief on Monday morning...and I was waiting by my phone for him to call me! He shows up at my office about 9:30 that morning...I asked him.. SO? And he said he just needed a hug. He looked so sad!! I got up, gave him a hug, and he said I got the job! Little sneak!

They had already hired someone for the SRO position, but another SRO is going to be retiring this year, so they want Kip to take his position! YAY!!! A FULL TIME JOB with BENEFITS!!

He started work on Wednesday March 12th.  He has been really enjoying it so far! He got a car and everything! :) The only downfall...he has to go to the NEA Law Enforcement Academy in May for 13 weeks. 13 WEEKS WITH MY HUBBY??? Hello Mom and Dad-I'll be staying with you! :)

 So proud of my hubby!

We left in style at our wedding! Kipper was already a reserve deputy with the county, so he I wanted to leave in a sheriff car!

And no-he wont get you out of a ticket if you get one...and no we don't know what is going on, because I make him leave his radio OFF when we are home! :) After years of listening to it, I'm done! :)

Until Next Time,

First Time Parents

The day after we came home from our Honeymoon, we kind of became a German Shepherd.  Kip had been wanting a German Shepherd for a LONG time, and since his parents are keeping Beau, his black lab, we decided we needed a pet....I just didn't know it would be that soon!

After church we went to Kip's parent's house to eat lunch.  He had been looking on Gadsden Times' Classifieds for and German Shepherd pups that weren't an outrageous price.  He was wanting a tan and black male. He sees an ad for German Shepherds and calls the number.  The lady he talked to said all she had left was a black female.  A family was suppose to get her for the son, but the mom just had a baby and didn't think they could handle a new baby and a puppy! She sent us a few pictures of her and I fell in love!

 7 weeks old!!

How can you NOT fall in love with that face?? So we asked if we could come see her that afternoon.  I told Kip that if I saw her we would have to take her home. There were no questions about it! So on our way to the house, we starting thinking about names. Bella and Kallie were our 2 favorites. We decided on Kallie since Bella is such a popular name. We wanted to see if she looked like a Kallie to us when we saw her....and of course she did!! She was so soft and sweet and just laid in my arms for 3o minutes while we were there!

We agreed to take her, but we wanted to wait until Monday to get her so we could get some food, puppy pads, a crate, toys, etc. We headed to PetCo and bought her a bed, a few toys, chew sticks, puppy pads, a food and water bowl, food, and treats.  We called a friend of ours who we knew had a crate for her dogs to see if she was still using it.  She had an extra one and has let us borrow it for a while. That helped out so much!

Monday morning, Kip went to pick up Miss Kallie. He brought her to my work for me to see her! School was out that day and it was just me and Chad (the daycare manager) and the daycare workers and kids.  I took an extra long lunch to go with Kip to his parent's house to show his mom. We let Kallie play outside and run around.  She was having so much fun! We tried to get her to go walking, but she just wiggled right out of her collar and sat down. So...I had to carry her...all 10 pounds of puppy...all the way around the block! Lazy dog! I was exhausted and sweating when we finally made it back to Kip's house!

We left and I went back to work for a little while, but went home pretty early that day.  Kip put the crate together, but she hated it. We played outside for a little while then went in and she snoozed most of the afternoon and evening.  We went to my parent's house to eat and let them meet Kallie. She hadn't used the bathroon inside all day until we got to my parent's house! She pooped on their white rug by the front door! We later realized that she must have been somewhat puppy-pad trained and she thought that white rug was a puppy pad!

When we went to bed that night, we let her sleep with us. She did really well until about 3 am. She started whining so Kip carried her outside and she pottied.  We put her in the crate after that, because she wanted to play but we didn't! She cried the rest of the morning, until I got up to get ready for work!

Kip was "laid off" (stupid seasonal employment) for the month of February, so he stayed home with Kallie most of the time. She did really good about pottying! She only peed in the house a few times, mostly on the puppy pad or a rug that was light colored.  We moved her crate into the laundry room, so if she cried at night, it wouldn't keep us up ALL night.

The next night, we put her in the crate at bedtime.  She cried for a while, but eventually got quiet. I set my alarm for 3 am, so I could let her out to potty. She was asleep when I went to get her, but I knew she needed to potty at some point and I was already up so I got her up and we went outside.

She pottied, then went back in her crate...crying! :( I felt so bad!

I got up that morning and let her out. She went out to potty, came in and ate.  Kip stayed home with her most of that day as well. 

Wednesday morning, her other ear FINALLY came up!

She LOVES sleeping on the couch!

She was doing really good about going out to potty until that next Wednesday! We have a bell that is on the back door that we are trying to teach her to ring when she needs out. She was doing very good about not pottying in the house, until that next Wednesday.

Kip was gone most of the day and I was at work, so she was in her crate the majority of the day.  That night, I had to go back to work for a meeting.  I did not get home until almost 9:00pm.  Kip had security at our church, so he was gone until about 9:30pm.  Kallie had been in her crate ALL DAY LONG!

On Thursday, she started just peeing wherever she was...not even thinking twice about it and not even using a puppy pad! GROSS!! She still had not pooped inside and rang the bell to go out to poop, just not pee.

Thursday night, we went to Kip's grandparents' house to eat and play Dominos and didn't get home until about 9:15pm, so she was in her crate all day and night then too.

She finally got better on Monday of that next week.  We had been home with her the majority of the weekend, so we were able to work with her more!

Our friends, Brandon and Haniah Carr, came to the house on Sunday afternoon and brought their new puppy, Brady! He is a golden retriever and just a week younger than Kallie. They live in a 1 bedroom apartment, so they wanted Brady to be able to run and play outside. Him and Kallie had a good ol time, until Brady started to get a little violent. Kallie was a little bigger than him and she was doing good to play with him without biting and being rough.  Poor Brady got so mad! :(

We had a nice little puppy date...too bad I don't have any pics! :(

Kallie had her first vet appointment March 6th.  She got her 9 week shots, a dewormer, and some flea treatment. She had 1 flee on her and she had worms! :((( But she was excellent in the Vet's office! Dr. Bailey at Southside Pet Clinic was awesome! She gave us some great tips on German Shepherds! Kallie weighed 18.9 pounds at the vet that day! BIG GIRL!!!

Home from the vet!!

Our poor baby got SO sick from the dewormer! She vomited EVERYWHERE for about an hour that night. It was awful and I wanted to cry...because it smelled so bad and because I felt so bad for her!! 
 She was fine after that hour and just slept most of the time.  The next morning she was her normal self and has been ever since!
She is so FULL of life! I love this pup!! She knows now when we say "Bedtime" that she has to get in her crate!  She hasn't pottied in the house very much since her little regression! She is now ringing the bell to potty! She only potties on her puppy pad in the crate every now and then at night.  She has gotten to where she gets really excited and potties a little in the floor, but we know it is an accident and she doesn't mean to do it!

She started that when Kip's grandmother and cousin came to visit about 2 weeks ago! She got so excited when they came in that she peed a little in the floor when they were petting her! She does it sometimes when Kip comes home in the afternoon now too! She is just so excited to see us!

Since Kip has gotten a new job  (blog post coming soon!) we have been letting her stay outside in the backyard during the day, and she loves it much more than being locked up in her crate, but she LOVES when we get home and let her in! She just jumps on us and licks us...its precious!

We are trying to break her of biting us...she does it playing, but we don't want her to bite. We make sure we give her toys she can chew on. So far, she hasn't chewed up anything she wasn't suppose to except on of my flip flops that have a few teeth marks on them...until the other day.  We were getting ready for work the other morning, and she was in our bedroom. In a matter of 2 minutes, she has chewed almost completely through my cell phone charger.  Luckily, it still works.  

She really is the perfect addition to our little family! We love her so much and I could not even begin to imagine what I would do if something ever happened to her!

 Crying at the door when Kip left for a meeting one night!

We love our Kallie girl so very much! We are going back to the vet the first of April, and I CANNOT wait to see how much she weighs! I'm gonna go with about 25-30 pounds!

Until Next Time, 

Coming Home - Day 7..Sorta

We got up on Saturday morning to MORE snow on the ground. It was already starting to cover the roads again, so I tried to hurry Kip up so we wouldn't get stuck! We got everything loaded in the car, did our checking, double checking, and triple checking that we didn't leave anything and that everything was in its place and clean, and headed out. We had to clean off Kip's windshield first.

 Saying goodbye to our "Bearly Hanging On" cabin! BEST place for a couples getaway, honeymoon, or even for a family!

 Kip's windshield the day we were leaving! MORE SNOW!

One last picture before heading home! :(

We locked up, set the alarm, and off we went. We had already decided we were going to stop at Apple Barn for breakfast/lunch/brunch before heading home.  

They were pretty crowded, but we got a table just in time with no wait! We had a delicious meal then headed back toward Gadsden! 

We made a pit stop at the KnifeWorks store, and Kip got him a few 5.11 tactical gear items and a new knife to wear when he works. 

We then headed home, only stopping 1 time for gas! (Did we even eat lunch? I don't think we did!)

We made it home, unloaded the car, opened all our wedding gifts that Mom and Dad brought to our house after the wedding, and relaxed for a little while. 

We then went to my parent's house to eat steak with them and some of their childhood friends, Brillo (Craig) and Michelle.  We stayed at my parent's house until probably 10:30 that night just listening to old stories from my parents' childhood! We had a great time!

We headed home and to bed, so we could get up for church in the morning!

We had a wonderful honeymoon with lots of interesting stories to tell! 

Great memories!

Until Next Time, 

Honeymoon Day 6

This was our last full day and Valentines Day! We had NOTHING planned...except for the Comedy Barn show at 8:15 that night.  We relaxed, I did some laundry, and started getting all our things together to head home the next morning! :(

We sweet hubby cooked steaks on the grill for a late lunch...early supper! They were DELICIOUS!!

We were so bored, so we got ready and headed into Pigeon Forge to go to a few shops before going to the Comedy Barn. We stopped at StarBucks on the way!

We headed to the Comedy Barn, and we really enjoyed the show! Good, clean, family fun! We sat by an older couple who were super sweet! He gave us some good advice for married life! :)

 After the show, we stopped at Krispy Kreme...Hot & Fresh! It was packed! It was the Friday night of President's Day weekend, and they were having a big youth conference up in Gatlinburg, so everything was packed and traffic was awful! But we waited it out and got us some donuts!!

After we had our "bedtime" snack, we packed up and loaded the car with the majority of our stuff, made sure everything was clean and in perfect condition, then went to bed.

Heading back to reality in the morning! :(

Until Next Time,

Honeymoon Day 5

We were so excited to play in the snow the next day that we woke up around 7:30 Thursday morning. We bundled up and headed out. We had about 10 inches of snow....10 INCHES! I don't ever remember that much snow...except maybe the Blizzard of 1993...but I was just 5 years old. It was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I was so excited to use our $10 plastic sled from Walgreens that we had gotten the day before.  We had some awesome hills to sled down!

The windows in our bedroom were AWESOME! We woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland outside! We could not wait to get out there!!!

We headed out and attempted to sled down the hills.

 Outside our front door!

 Winter Wonderland!

 Sledding the FIRST time. 

The hill I TRIED to come down...

We weren't having much luck. The snow was so thick, it would just build up around us and we would stop. So...we got an idea. We decided to take the snow shovel at the cabin and make a path to sled down. That worked so much better!

This was the first time Kip tried to sled.  It worked out much better once we figured out that we needed to make a path!

This was after we made a path! So much faster and much more fun!! YAY!

I had to throw in a few of my goofy self sledding down the hill too! I had a blast and felt like a little kid again! :)

We enjoyed sledding, playing in the snow, making snow angels, having a small snowball fight, and eating the snow (mainly Kip!).

 He enjoyed taking a lot of pictures of his car in the snow...and I mean LOTS!!!

 Eating a huge snowball! :)

 Car see what I mean?
 7:30 am - in the snow - with no makeup :-/

Kip thought this would be a cool picture! Our rings on his Thin Blue Line bracelet.

After we played in the snow for a little while, we went in to eat some breakfast and warm up!  After sitting around watching TV for a few hours, I was SO bored and wishing that the roads weren't covered in snow, because I wanted to go SOMEWHERE! ANYWHERE!!  We we suppose to go to the Comedy Barn show at 8:15 that night, but with the roads all nasty, we knew that probably wasn't going to happen. 

Around 11:30 am, we see a truck coming down the hill. IT WAS THE SNOW PLOW MAN!! Oh thank you Jesus...we weren't going to be stuck forever!!! 

I was stalking him a little bit! HaHa! I was so excited, so we started to get ready for the night. Around 2:00 pm, the Comedy Barn calls and says they are cancelling the show for that night, but we could come Friday or Saturday. BUMMER! We moved our show to Friday. I was super sad. I did not want to stay in the cabin ALLLLLLL night long. So we decided to go back into Gatlinburg since we didn't get to enjoy it the day before.  So Kip goes out to shovel our way out of the driveway! 

We get ready and load up the car with the "ice melt" salt stuff and the shovel that were at the cabin and made the trek. It was a little scary at first...especially on the little one lane curvy, hilly roads we were taking! There was snow all over Kip's 5 inches deep. He tried to get what he could off so he could see.  The scenery was gorgeous...I just couldn't really enjoy much of it - I was praying we would make it down the mountain with NO trouble!

We made it into Gatlinburg with NO trouble...of course! I'm just a worry wart! So anyway - we went to eat at Bubba Gump for an early supper and then spent a little time in Gatlinburg.  We played a 5D theater sat on a thing that moved like a horse and you had to shoot at things. Kip beat me...of course, but it was fun! Then we played a game of black light putt putt. I really won, but told Kip that we tied since his ball went in on the 18th hole and mine didn't. 

We walked around, went in a few shops, and just enjoyed our time downtown...with very few people!

We headed back to the cabin before dark...just in case the roads got bad again, since it was suppose to be below freezing that night!

Only 1 day left! :(

Until Next Time,