
Monday, June 24, 2013

Job Search

Today has just been a depressing day.  Not only is it a's raining too.  I kind of hit rock bottom this morning thinking about this whole job thing.  Now don't get me wrong, I am very thankful that I have a job even though I don't make enough money to support myself, much less a family.  But it just hit me that I am getting married in less than 8 months and I still make minimum wage--with a 4 year degree I might add.  Not to mention, Kip's hours got cut at the city due to our wonderful president and his lovely new healthcare reform or whatever it is.  I am sure that is why I cannot find a job ANYWHERE even though I have applied NUMEROUS places.  No one wants to hire someone with a 4 year college degree full time and pay their insurance.  I have yet to hear back from Coosa, so I am assuming that is a no-go.  I started looking again today and applied for about 6 jobs today.  I am hoping I hear back from at least one or two.  2 were at Riverview Regional and 1 at Gadsden Regional.  I also applied for the bookkeeper position at my old high school and then a few bank jobs.  I just think people don't realize the experience I do have.  They just see I work at a daycare and assume I work with children when in reality, I do MUCH more than just work with children.  I literally went to the bathroom at work after talking to Kip around lunchtime and cried, because we are getting married and need a place to live.  We both live with our parents now, so if we don't have somewhere to go after we get married it looks like it will be with one of our parents.  It is just really depressing me, and I have prayed and prayed and prayed over and over about finding a new job.  I know God's timing is perfect, but it is a little hard when you feel time is running out.  It is getting harder and harder to rely on Him when you have been trying to do that for months and you get nothing.  I know He has a plan and His plan trumps all, but I just wish I could see what His plan is...I know He will work it out for us...even if it means having to move to another area or even state, and I can and will completely accept that, but I just wish we would figure it out sooner, than later. Please continue to pray for Kip and I as we try to find the jobs that God has planned for us...and pray that He will guide us to those jobs, even if it means having to re-locate somewhere else.

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Until next time,

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