
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

I was really annoyed after I went to the Southern Bridal Show, because I signed up for so much stuff but wasn't winning anything at all.  All I won was an obnoxious amount of emails from different vendors I registered with.  Almost 6 months later, I received a call from Alexander's in Oxford.  You can read about that phone call here. It was such a blessing to hear that I actually won something for our wedding! Then a few days later, I got an email from about registering to win a SanDestin getaway package.  All I had to do was upload a photo of Kip and I and like the SanDestin Weddings facebook page.  So I thought, what the heck...why not!  Yesterday, I got an email that read:

I am pleased to announce that you and your fiance are the winners of the Sandestin Preview Giveaway which includes the following:
  • Two Night Stay on Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort
  • Dining & Dancing Cruise for Two Aboard the SunQuest Cruises' SOLARIS yacht
  • 45 Minute Engagement Photo Session by Irina Behr Photography, including 10 digital images
  • Eco-Dolphin & Sunset Cruise for Two Aboard the SunVenture
  • Round of Golf for Two
  • 50 Minute Couples Relaxation Massage from the Spa at Sandestin
  • Bottle of Wine
Could you please reply with your mailing address in which to send the certificates, as well as let us know if we have permission to post your image on Facebook and our blog at, as the winners of our grand prize. Or let us know if there is another image you would like to submit for that. 

Thank you for your entry and congratulations! 


Sandestin Weddings

Talk about being excited!!  I emailed her back and said said I would be getting the certificates in the mail soon.  Hopefully this is a for-real thing, but I do think it is!  I decided I needed to buy me a lottery ticket since I have been winning stuff like crazy lately! :) Time to win us some wedding MONEY! Haha! I haven't bought a lottery ticket and probably wont, but it doesn't hurt to dream I guess! 

I don't think we will be using this little trip for our honeymoon since we really want to go to Gatlinburg, but it will be a nice little getaway for Spring? or Early Summer? I just hope the certificates last at least a year!  What good is all that if we can't use it? 

Until Next Time, 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Job Search

Today has just been a depressing day.  Not only is it a's raining too.  I kind of hit rock bottom this morning thinking about this whole job thing.  Now don't get me wrong, I am very thankful that I have a job even though I don't make enough money to support myself, much less a family.  But it just hit me that I am getting married in less than 8 months and I still make minimum wage--with a 4 year degree I might add.  Not to mention, Kip's hours got cut at the city due to our wonderful president and his lovely new healthcare reform or whatever it is.  I am sure that is why I cannot find a job ANYWHERE even though I have applied NUMEROUS places.  No one wants to hire someone with a 4 year college degree full time and pay their insurance.  I have yet to hear back from Coosa, so I am assuming that is a no-go.  I started looking again today and applied for about 6 jobs today.  I am hoping I hear back from at least one or two.  2 were at Riverview Regional and 1 at Gadsden Regional.  I also applied for the bookkeeper position at my old high school and then a few bank jobs.  I just think people don't realize the experience I do have.  They just see I work at a daycare and assume I work with children when in reality, I do MUCH more than just work with children.  I literally went to the bathroom at work after talking to Kip around lunchtime and cried, because we are getting married and need a place to live.  We both live with our parents now, so if we don't have somewhere to go after we get married it looks like it will be with one of our parents.  It is just really depressing me, and I have prayed and prayed and prayed over and over about finding a new job.  I know God's timing is perfect, but it is a little hard when you feel time is running out.  It is getting harder and harder to rely on Him when you have been trying to do that for months and you get nothing.  I know He has a plan and His plan trumps all, but I just wish I could see what His plan is...I know He will work it out for us...even if it means having to move to another area or even state, and I can and will completely accept that, but I just wish we would figure it out sooner, than later. Please continue to pray for Kip and I as we try to find the jobs that God has planned for us...and pray that He will guide us to those jobs, even if it means having to re-locate somewhere else.

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Until next time,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wedding Reception DONE!

Yesterday, Mom, Holly, and I went to Alexander's in Oxford to talk with Mike Alexander about catering and decorations for the wedding and reception. It was a little overwhelming at first, but Mike was absolutely GREAT and had some awesome ideas.  He also had an amazing deal that got us a whole lot of free food and decor!  The reception is going to be at the church in gym.  My biggest fear was that the gym look would be overpowering and take away from the reception.  Mike had this awesome idea to "cover up" the walls of the gym with pipe and drape.  He is going to line the walls of the gym with white pipe and drape and make the focal wall black pipe and drape with pink drape tied up with silver/crystal bling!  We are doing a black and white with damask print with hot pink accent!  We are going to have sit down tables and high boys (stand up tables).  The sit down tables are going to have black table cloths with damask runners.  The chairs are going to have black chair covers with hot pink ribbon.  The centerpieces are going to have crystal vases with hot pink flower balls and candles. The high boy stand up tables are going to have black table clothes with a damask ribbon tied around the table.  The centerpieces will be the same!  What I am excited about it the cake table!  Along the focal wall, the bride's cake table will be in the center with the groom's cake to one side and the punch, tea, water, etc. on the other side.  The table cloth for the bride's cake is going to be what he calls the pink prom dress cloth (its just a hot pink table cloth with frilly things all on it). The punch and groom's cake table are going to have a black and white damask table cloths.  The food tables will be in the center of the gym.  He is going to put 3 big round tables together with a round table on top of those 3 with some beautiful crystal trees on top.  The cloths will be hot pink with a black over-lay on them.  There will be 2 long tables for food as well as another round table for the chocolate station (more on that in just a minute!!)  It is going to be GORGEOUS and I absolutely cannot wait for our wedding!!!

This is what the tables will look like, except they will have a different centerpiece and black chair covers with hot pink ribbon.

These are the hot pink flower balls we are going to use as centerpieces, with a different vase.

The damask table cloths!!

This is a photo of the church gym wedding he did.  This is what our reception will look like, except the drapes will be black with hot pink drapes tied.  The tables in the back will be the same as the picture, except the round table will be the bride's cake table with hot pink table cloth and the two tables on either size will have damask table cloth for punch and groom's cake. We will also have a "sweetheart" table for Kip and I in front of the bride's cake table! :)

This is what the food tables will look like, only with black and pink table cloths.  He is going to use 2 crystal trees instead of just one!

The table in the back of the photo is one of the high boy tables we will have.  It will have a black table cloth with damask ribbon tied.  I think these are really cool tables, even though we wont have a lot of seating for the reception, people can stand at these (because he said a lot of people don't stay seat long, if at all, during the reception.

The sanctuary is going to be decorated with a white colonnade with flowers and maybe some candles and that is all.  He said the bride is the focal point for the ceremony, so we don't need a lot of outlandish decor in the sanctuary.

This is the colonnade we are going to use, with flowers, in the sanctuary.

Now....for the big and most important thing....the FOOD!! Because I won a prize package, I got a free chocolate station and a free food item.  The chocolate station is a large dessert bar with mini s'mores, brownie bites, red velvet balls, chocolate pretzels, and peanut butter balls.  But because Kip and my flower girl, Ava are both allergic to peanuts/peanut butter, we are going to trade that out for banana pudding in cups. Talk about some awesome dessert!! YUMMMMM! Of course we are going to have fresh fruit, veggies, Alexander's homemade cheese ball, and crackers.  We also added some more food items: a chicken salad mound, BBQ meatballs, hot spinach dip, grilled chicken pasta salad, and triple turkey stacks.  He also threw in 2 items at NO CHARGE: lemon tarts and black bean delights (the way he described them, it sounds like they are like southwestern egg rolls like Chili's has but in a croissant).  We also got 1 of our food items free from the prize package ( we did the triple turkey stacks since they were a higher dollar item).

Banana pudding in cups!

Some of the food for the chocolate station.

Cheese ball with cheese and fruit!
Fresh cut veggies

Fresh fruit

Mike was absolutely wonderful and helpful in picking out our food and decor.  I am so glad we picked him to be our caterer and decorator!  He also had this special: Pay $5000 and get $10,000 worth of food and decor, so Mom jumped on that special since my parents already had the money saved up.  So, couple that with my free food items PLUS $1,000 in free decor from the prize package and we had over $17,000 worth of food and decor that we got for $5500.00.  YES, that is right. ONLY $5500.00!! And the reception is COMPLETELY paid for!! It feels absolutely awesome to know that I do not have to worry about the reception part of my wedding at all!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Job Interview

I had a job interview at Coosa Chirstian School yesterday.  I was actually being interviewed for 2 different positions, the Coosa's daycare director and Coosa's school accountant.  I went in at 1:30 and talked to Jillian for a few minutes until Mrs. Justus, the principal came back from lunch.  I talked with Mrs. Justus and Mrs. Cleveland (the current daycare director) for about 2 hours.  I really enjoyed talking with them about myself and what I do and how I could be an asset to the program.  Then, another lady came into the office that knows about the accounting stuff and I talked with the 3 of them about the accounting job.  At the end of the interview, Mrs. Justus asked me which job I prefer.  I told her it was up to her...whatever she would be the best for me.  I have the childcare experience, but I also have the accounting experience and I LOVE I left the decision up to her! We walked around the school and the daycare and then took a short break and saw Graison and talked with Jillian.  Then Mrs. Justus wanted me to meet the Children's director and the pastor, so I talked with them for about an hour.  I didn't leave til after 4:30, but it really didn't seem like that long!  I really enjoyed talking to Mrs. Justus and Mrs. Cleveland.  They are super sweet ladies and I do look forward to working with them (if I do get that opportunity)!  I also look forward to working with my best friend and getting to see Graison and Evelynn everyday! Hoping and praying for good news!  I know that it is all in God's hands.  He knows how much I love kids and what I do now, and I really think it is a GOD thing that BOTH of these jobs at Coosa came open when they did.  I know that whatever happens is God's ultimate plan for me, and if I don't get one of these jobs then I will be disappointed, but that just means that God has something MUCH better out there waiting for me!  He knows what is best for all of us and His plan is the ultimate plan.  He will never leave us nor forsake us. I am just praying that HIS will be done in my life.

After my 3 hours of interviewing at Coosa, I had to head to church for our finance committee meeting then on to the softball fields for Kip's first softball game this summer.  He is playing with an old friend from his childhood and he had a blast last night!  Much different than playing for other teams who take men's softball way too seriously! Church league begins next Tuesday so I will be spending the most of my time (every Tuesday & Wednesday) of the summer at the softball fields! Glad I enjoy watching my sweetie play softball! :)

It's the last day of VBS here at First Baptist and luckily this year has been relatively calm compared to years past. And PS. I am ready for our vacation the 2nd week in July.  It can't get here fast enough!  I NEED a break....I really do.

Well it's time for me to get back to work!  I PROMISE I will put engagements on here soon!

Until next time,

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

God Answers Prayers

I find this so amazing and a little but funny. Yesterday, Holly (from work) and I were talking about wedding plans.  She told me she was going to make me a calendar of things I needed to do and when I needed to have it done. Then later on that afternoon, a parent asked me about my wedding plans!  Holly and I just both died out laughing because we had JUST talked about it not even an hour or so before!  I really started stressing about it because I knew I needed to get busy.  I started praying that God would give me the motivation to really get moving with the wedding stuff.  I was really just ready to say...lets just do the whole courthouse thing! (Deep down I really wouldn't want to do that) I wrote my blog this morning about the stressful wedding planning and all that stuff.  Little did I know that a few hours later I would get a phone call from Alexander's in Oxford with some MARVELOUS news.  I had won a prize package that included $1000.00 in free decorations (whatever I wanted), a free food item of my choice, and a free chocolate station (a $10.00 per person value!!).  All I had to do was book our reception with them!  So what do I do? Call them OF COURSE!  I set up an appointment for Tuesday at 2:30 and I am SOOOO looking forward to talking to Mike Alexander about our wedding!!! He is a one stop shop and we can get EVERYTHING from him if we want to-flowers, food, decorations, invitations, tuxedos, etc.  We don't have to use him for everything, but we will definitely talk to him about all that!  I called my mom to tell her and she said she had been praying about the wedding planning this morning, because she knew we needed to get busy!  All I can say is this was a GOD thing, a definite answer to our prayers!  Hopefully we will have a LOT of things checked off our list after next week!

If you are looking for someone for your wedding, check them out!

Alexander's The Great Events on Facebook

Thoughts for Today

I know I need to get busy on the whole wedding planning thing, but I have ABSOLUTELY no motivation for that.  I seriously just want to get married now.  This whole waiting bit is not cool at all.  After you have been together for 7+ years, you finally hit the point of just being ready.  I find it harder and harder each day to leave and go home at night.  I am exhausted during the day because I stay at his house until almost midnight every night.  I am just ready to not have to say "goodbye" anymore....just goodnight.  I know we shouldn't wish our life away or try to rush it, but I am just ready to be married to my best friend.

I have always envisioned my wedding and so excited to start planning it and everything....but now that it is here I am just kind of at a stand still.  I really don't want to even think about it. I think know its because I am going to have to  make a million decisions and that is the LAST thing I want to do.  And finding a wedding dress--OH MY GOSH.  I am NOT looking forward to that.  I know what style I want but I am so picky about clothes that I am so afraid I will never be able to pick one!

I have my bridesmaids gifts ordered, just got to put the finishing touches on them but I have plenty of time to do that!  We got our wedding bands too (had to use the Santa bucks from Kay before June 15th).  So 2 gorgeous rings are just chilling in the boxes right now.  I have a few more odds and ends bought, like the flower girl baskets, ring bearer pillow, guestbook and pen, unity candle, and a few other things.  I know what music I want and who I want to sing, but I need someone to sing "Marry Me" by Train.  2 of our sweet friends are going to sing and play guitar "God Gave Me You" during the ceremony.  I want the Prelude to be "Marry Me" by Train, but I really want someone to sing it and not just play a CD.  Gotta get all the sheet music for our pianist for the other songs.

Planning a wedding just seems so stressful!! I feel like I am never going to get everything done...mainly because I never work on anything!  Less than 8 months left!  I gotta get busy!  But honestly...I just want to be married like today.  Courthouse?? Mom would be so mad KILL me. Oh will be here before you know it! I MUST GET BUSY!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

ABC's of M.E.

I took this from a blog I have discovered and been reading:
It's just a fun little thing to do on this rainy day! 

A – Age: 25--Halfway to 50! 
B – Bed size: Double--working on that king though for when we get married!
C – Chore you hate: Vacuuming..booo!
D – Dog’s name: Bama
E – Essential start your day item: Potty! Gotta potty as soon as I wake up! haha!
F – Favorite color: Most definitely PINK!
G – Gold or Silver: Silver
H – Height: 5’3-1/2
I – Instruments you play: Don't play any!
J – Job title: Administrative Assistant at WEE Care Jacksonville (Soon to change hopefully....LOVE my job but I really need something that makes more money!)
K – Kid(s): No kids yet! Kip doesn't want to wait too long after we get married so maybe just a few more years.
L – Living arrangements: Still with the search of our future home though! 
M – Mom’s name: Lori
N – Nicknames: None really...Some friends used to call me McRae or LMac but not anymore. 
O – Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Never!
P – Pet Peeve: I hate being interrupted when I am talking...and when people complain all the time. 
Q – Quote from a movie: I don't have a favorite and cannot think of one off the top of my head!
R – Right or left handed: Righty
S – Siblings: Just a brother, Dylan. He is 10 1/2 years younger than I am. 
T – Time you wake up: About 7 am...sometimes its around 8 if I don't have to be at work until 9 or 9:30.
U- Unique fact: I hate these questions....I can't think of anything!
V – Vegetable you dislike: Broccoli
W – Ways/Reasons you run late: I am almost always running late! Reasons would be....sleeping late or taking too much time to get ready.
X – X-rays you’ve had: Knee, foot, mouth, chest
Y – Yummy food you make: Spaghetti...cause its easy! Haha!
Z – Zoo favorite: Elephant...ROLL TIDE!

Long OVERDUE Update!

Well...a lot has gone on in the past few months that I haven't written about. I finished college (WHOOP WHOOP!!), walked across the stage, and got my DIPLOMA!!

I am so beyond thankful for my sweet friends and family who came and sat through the EXTREMELY long ceremony for ME! 
My PRECIOUS fiance!
My LOVING family!
My sweet friend, Shelly!
My sweet friend, Haniah!
Precious Graison (who was also there to see his Uncle Ben and Cousin Katie! PS. I am SUPER sad I didn't get a picture with my BFF & his adorable Mom!)
My sweet Accounting friends!

This was definitely a MAJOR milestone in my life and I am so OVERJOYED that I finally made it through, even if it was 7 years later! :) I am so excited to move on to a new chapter in my life and get busy with wedding plans!

We have been slacking on this whole wedding thing, and we I know that we have got to get busy!  We did both purchase the wedding bands already though, and I am so ready to wear mine! It makes my already GORGEOUS ring look even more beautiful! I am ready for Kip to wear his ring too, so all the little waitresses at Applebee's will stop hitting on him when he goes to eat lunch on his lunch break! Haha...but seriously. 

I did get a few of my bridesmaids and flower girl gifts purchased but still have to put some finishing touches on those.  I really need to get on the ball with finding a WEDDING DRESS! 

We got our engagement pictures back! (Blog post to come with LOTS of pics!) 

My sweet baby brother finished middle school and is moving on to Southside High in the fall. Makes me feel SUPER old.  He also made the 9th grade basketball team at SHS! SOOOOO proud of his and all his hard work! Cannot wait to watch him play!!

Last weekend, we went to Riverfest on Saturday night with some friends on the boat.  We really wanted to hear Corey Smith, but they cancelled him due to rain.  We did get to see the fireworks and hear Kenny Rogers. 

This past week (June 4th) we went to the Braves game. Probably the most fun I have ever had at a MLB game!  Our seats were wonderful! 

The Braves ended up winning 5-4 in the bottom of the 10th! (Yes, it went into extra innings and it may or may not have been my fault! When the Braves were losing 3-0, I said that the Braves would probably come back and tie the game and go into a million extra innings.) It was a fun night, but made for an EXTRA long day at work the next day (we didn't get home until about 1 am.)

This past weekend, we went to the Regions Classic golf tournament at Shoal Creek in Birmingham.  Kip's cousin, Sabrina, works for Regions in Gadsden and has gotten us tickets and VIP passes for the Regions tent the past 2 years.  Last year we walked about 9 holes, but this year we only walked 3 and went back to the tent! Who can beat an air conditioned tent with all the free food and drinks you want? Especially when it is HOT and HUMID outside!  We stayed in the tent most of the day and met up with Kip's cousin, John and his wife Jac.  We watched Fred Couples play 18 then headed back to the house.  But we couldn't leave until the king of autographs got him a Fred Couples autograph. :)
Our view from the tent...not too bad!

We have some big plans coming up soon! We may spend the weekend at Lake Guntersville in the next few weeks for the wakeboard competition with some friends.  Then we have our annual beach trip with my family the week after the Fourth of July!

I also have a job opportunity that I am going to talk with someone about this week, so be praying about that! I really need a new job, not that I do not love my other job and will probably bawl my eyes out when I leave, but I have got to have a job that pays more money, especially since we are getting married soon!