
Monday, June 4, 2012

Law Enforcement Officers

I am going to do a little bit of complaining and defending in this post.  I am just so tired of seeing and hearing people talk down about law enforcement officers.  Now I have had my run-in with a few that were pretty much jerks, but not all of them are that way.  With Kip being a Reserve Deputy with the county Sheriff's Office, I have met a lot of the officers in and around the Gadsden area, and almost all of them are very nice, normal people.  I can't stand to see people post on facebook about police officers are just out to get them and "are always picking on me" and "the same officer has given me a ticket the past 4 that is harassment!" Oh please..give me a break.  I will say what I always say when people complain cops...You shouldn't be doing something wrong in the first place and they will leave you alone.  Here is my FAVORITE one that I saw about has to do with the Miami incident of a man eating another man's face.  Now this is a true story and I am not making it up...someone posted on facebook that "If the cops had gotten all the bath salts off the street this wouldn't have happened. I blame the cops for this."  Ok..first of all, the bath salt seizure that we heard about was for Alabama, not Florida.  Second, are you seriously going to blame the cops for this crazy man who decided to eat this homeless guy's face and then growl at the police when they got there...ummm pretty sure I would have aimed right for the head and killed that guy on the spot.  Personally, I think this person has had too many run-ins with police and might want to either, A.) drive more cautiously and carefully or B.) stop breaking so many laws.  And the next thing I have an issue with is certain people just assuming that all law enforcement officers "think they are better than everybody, stand with their chest poked out, trying to look big and bad because they carry a gun."  People are saying these things about LEO's they don't even know!! I have gotten to where I will say "do you even know him/her"?  When they say, "No, but I know their type.", then I respond with, "All LEO's aren't jerks like the ones you apparently know...they are people too!"  Maybe I am just partial to officers, because Kip is (sort of) one.  LEO's do more things on a routine shift (most of them for YOUR safety) than you do in a week of work!  Not only do they PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE every time they put that uniform on, but they are out there to serve (YOU) and protect (YOU).  Think about Officer Justin Sollohub from the Anniston Police Department: did he think that  he was going to be shot in the head in just a few short hours that morning as he was getting ready to go to work?  Nope..probably not.  Did he think he was going die of his head wound just a few days later?  Nope..probably didn't cross his mind either.  But he did, and he is a hero, because he put his life on the line to protect the citizens of Anniston, AL.  If that guy was willing to shoot a police officer IN THE HEAD, just think what else he would have/could have done to an normal citizen!  Scary to think about!  So for those of you who think LEO's are just out to get everyone, think they are better than everybody else on the earth all because they carry a gun, just remember who you call when you need help.  What if someone kidnapped your child?  Would you still hate LEO's?  What if someone was putting your child in danger?  What if someone was breaking into your house?  Just remember, if you don't break the law, you don't have a "bad experience" with LEO's. 

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