
Monday, June 4, 2012

"In you the orphan finds mercy." - Hosea 14:3

This weekend Kip & I went to what we thought was an Alabama Football signing at Gadsden Christian Fellowship, "Lily Fest".  Prince Wimbley from the 1992 National Championship team was going to be there along with Eryk Anders from the 2009 National Championship team.  When we got there, they had a small worship service, and we were extremely confused as to what was going on.  Little did we know that this signing was a fundraiser for an sweet couple's adoption from Taiwan.  The tickets were $25.00 a piece and they had a silent auction with tons of autographed memorabilia.  I couldn't be more excited to be "helping out" this sweet couple (that I didn't know) when I found out the reason we were there, but this story gets even better.  Kip & I were looking at the autograph memorabilia outside the sanctuary and a girl comes up to me and says, "You don't know me but I know you.  I am Mandi's friend Missy. You look JUST like her!" (For those of you who don't know, Mandi is my precious cousin who passed away in December 2004) I was in awe that Missy even recognized me!  Mandi's mother, my aunt Barbie, always says that I look so much like Mandi, especially when I wear my hair curly.  It really brought tears to my eyes talking to Missy.  After the short worship service, we got in line to get autographs from Eryk Anders and Prince Wimbley.  While we were standing in line, Emily, the lady who is adopting from Taiwan, was speaking to everyone and introducing herself to people she didn't know.  When she introduced herself to me, she said, "You look really familiar!"  She looked really familiar to me too, but I couldn't figure out where I knew her from!  I talked to her about her adoption and told her about a family at the church I work at who just adopted from Ethiopia.  I gave her the blog address so she could read about their adoption process, its if you are interested.  Emily told me what her's was,  It was just a really wonderful Saturday that I was definitely not expecting!  I ask that if you would, pray for Emily and her husband Jason as they wait that oh so very important email saying they can get on a plane and go get their sweet Lily from Taiwan.  Also, pray for Will & Rebekah from Jacksonville who just brought home baby Israel from Ethiopia as they continue learning all the ups and downs, ins and outs of parenting.  Adoption is really a beautiful thing, and I just love seeing these precious children who are without parents and in and out of homes finding a forever home! 

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