
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Everything Happens for a Reason

I was just sitting here thinking about the past and where I am now.  I thank God more and more everyday for not letting certain things work out.  I am more than happy with my life right now!!  I was thinking about how "boy crazy" I used to be (but aren't all girls that way at some point?) and I thought about the different guys I had "liked" over the years, especially middle school and high school days.  Looking back, I am MORE THAN THANKFUL that things did not work out.  Some of them are party-er's who go out every  weekend/night getting drunk, etc.  Some of them are now overseas (which I am very thankful for those who fight for our freedom, but God knew I couldn't handle that! :] ).  And others, I have no idea where they are.  Back when I was a teenager who was boy crazy, I would be so upset when things didn't work out with the boys I "liked"!  I sure wish I had known then what I know now!  I have a guy that doesn't go out a party it up every week, get drunk all the time, smoke, or do any of those things.  I have a guy that has stuck with me through it all for the past few years.  I have a guy that I know I want to spend the rest of my life with and will be the happiest girl FOREVER because of him.  Things may not work out for you right at the moment, and you may be so upset when things do not go your way, but God knows what is best for you, and He will always come through! :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Going on 7 years!

Just wanted to do a little something (for myself) and post some pictures of Kip & I over the years. It is hard to believe he has been a part of my life for over 6 years! December 13, 2005 was a wonderful day! A day I will never forget! :)


Kip was 15 and I was 17. Yes, he couldn't drive when we first started dating! It was a little embarrassing at first, but looking back it is a wonderful memory I will forever keep close to my heart! :)


Well, unlike many thought, we made it through a whole year!  And what a challenging/fun/memorable year it was! Lots of awesome memories that I will never forget! It was my first year of college at JSU, and Kip was still in high school...which made for challenging moments at times!


2007 was probably the most challenging year for us. Because of some events that happened, we took a break for about a year. But that did not mean that we didn't talk to each other just about every day & still spent a little time together when we could. Kip was in his senior year of high school, and I was in college. It still breaks my heart that I was not able to spend a lot of time with him during his senior year, but we made it through. It was a very extremely difficult year for me.


But we made it through and from 2008 on it just gets better and better! One day in July 2008, I didn't know how much more I could take, and I just prayed that God would give me a sign of what I should do. I was so heartbroken. I hadn't talked to Kip in a few days and it was killing me. A few days after I cried out to God for a sign, He gave it to me. (God definitely works in mysterious ways!!) I got a phone call from Kip saying that he was going to be coming to JSU in the fall. He asked me if I could show him around the campus and everything. So we met one day and ever since, we have been going strong! :) I just get happier and happier with every year that goes by! :) 


Christmas of 2009 was the year he gave me a beautiful pearl ring that I have worn every single day since. I just love him more and more every day! 


2010 was the first year Kip went on vacation with my family in Panama City. It is now a "family tradition". We even stay in the same room we stayed in 2010...and getting ready to head down in a few weeks for another trip! :)

In celebration of our 6 year anniversary, we spend the day at Callaway Gardens in Georgia with 2 of our friends, Brandon & Haniah. 


And here we are today! I loved seeing how far we have come over the years. Started out in high school, and now close to graduating college. We were so young back in 2005, but I would not go back to that day for anything. Life is awesome right now, and I know it just keeps getting better and better! I love this boy more than anything! :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

From Law Enforcement Today: Wives on Duty - Listening

I saw this on Law Enforcement Today's facebook page and absolutely love this!! It is written by Chaplain Allison P. Uribe of the San Antonio Police Department.

Our days are filled with schedules, deadlines, and time sensitive agendas. These obligations may keep most of us from ever truly being able to engage in a moment of making a difference. The busyness in our daily lives can rob us of slowing down and taking time to listen to another. It can affect how we listen to our very own families, and many times our very own officers. Although we seek to be a support system and encouragement to our officers, there are times we miss the mark. We miss listening. Listening requires full attention and focus. It is the ultimate form of communication. Not only do we learn more about what is being expressed to us, but we gain knowledge of what is in the heart. By listening, you gain knowledge of what your loved one is battling.
It was a hot afternoon and I was doing my daily cleanup around the house. I was cooking, caring for my baby boy, and folding laundry when I noticed my husband had been quiet since his arrival at home. He usually arrived home with a smile and was quick to jump into his father and husband role with joy, but this particular day was different.
His smile was not so genuine and his demeanor was very serious. I could always tell a good day from a bad day by the sounds made from the Kevlar vest. On a good day, the Velcro sounded quick and fast as if something was ripping apart. On a bad day, as he pulled of his vest, the Velcro sounded long and drawn out as if he was trying to take it off without making a sound.
The Velcro sounded like a bad day that afternoon. I proceeded to ask him about his day and he said it was ok as he tried to get comfortable on the couch. I did not want to push him to talk to me as I knew if he wanted to talk, he would eventually. My officer was never one to talk about his day on the beat back then, so I silently prayed for the next few hours.
Dinner time came, we ate with few words spoken, and as I began to put all the dishes in the sink, he looked at me, gave me a half smile, and said, “Thank you”. I asked, “For what?”, and he proceeded with, ”I know you know I had a bad day but I was not ready to talk about it and not sure I even wanted to talk about it. I am now.” With a dish in my hand and a towel over my shoulder, I knew I had to stop what I was doing and focus on my husband.
I said, “Okay honey, I’m listening.” He proceeded to tell me about the horror he had faced that day and although my heart was racing and I couldn’t bear to hear much more, I fought back tears as he told me about what he saw and heard. I was frozen and made sure he knew I would not budge till he was through. Although I had many questions, I never once interrupted him or took my eyes off of him. I nodded my head each time so he knew I was following him and listening to everything he had to say.
I could see his eyes watering, and noticed his fists clench as he spoke, and I could only wonder what kind of a mental battle he was facing. I could tell from his watery eyes that he was hurt by what he saw and his clenched fists showed me he was also angry about the situation. After he shared with me what was on his heart, I heard him take a deep breath and noticed a sense of relief in his face. I held his hand, smiled, and stood up to give him a hug. I told him how much I loved him and how sorry I was he had to deal with that.
Although every LEO is different and some may want to talk while others may not, it is vital to be ready and willing to listen when they are ready to speak. It is healthier for an officer to talk to someone about how they are feeling or handling themselves after any form of traumatic stress. At times questions could be helpful in getting someone to open up, while at times, it may even just frustrate them if they are not ready.
Effective listening should be learned and mastered. Listening requires full attention, it is not just hearing. We can hear noises all around us but to truly listen to what is being heard is a different thing. Are we hearing our officers or listening to them? Listening is one of the best ways we can express our love and dedication to our LEO. They walk many dark valleys, see things no one could bare to see, and run toward what majority of us would run away from.
The benefits of listening to your LEO are countless. The number one thing listening will show your officer, is that you support them. Because you love your officer so much, what better way to show them that you care? Listening will also help you to better understand what they may be feeling at the moment in case there is need for concern, especially paying attention to any underlying meanings in what they say.
As we care for our LEO’s we must remember that they need to be heard and we need to be ready and willing to listen. We may not always have the answers or solutions, but at times, listening is the answer and the solution. Our ears are our greatest communication tool and our greatest ministry.
Winston Churchill said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” As our officers show courage to speak about what they face, what they see, and what they feel, let us be ready with open hearts and listening ears.

Allison P. Uribe is an auxiliary chaplain with the San Antonio Police Department.  Allison’s husband has been a San Antonio police officer for 10 years. She is also a chaplain with Serve and Protect, serving the spiritual and emotional needs of law enforcement, fire/ rescue, and corrections; or 625-373-8000. Allison is the founder of Wives on Duty Ministries, designed to support and encourage wives of law enforcement and other emergency services through the word of God; or email Allison at  She is also the lead community chaplain and student with Global University Berean School of the Bible and speaks at many law enforcement events. Allison wrote “Because I’m Suitable-The Journey of A Wife on Duty”, geared toward wives of law enforcement;

Law Enforcement Officers

I am going to do a little bit of complaining and defending in this post.  I am just so tired of seeing and hearing people talk down about law enforcement officers.  Now I have had my run-in with a few that were pretty much jerks, but not all of them are that way.  With Kip being a Reserve Deputy with the county Sheriff's Office, I have met a lot of the officers in and around the Gadsden area, and almost all of them are very nice, normal people.  I can't stand to see people post on facebook about police officers are just out to get them and "are always picking on me" and "the same officer has given me a ticket the past 4 that is harassment!" Oh please..give me a break.  I will say what I always say when people complain cops...You shouldn't be doing something wrong in the first place and they will leave you alone.  Here is my FAVORITE one that I saw about has to do with the Miami incident of a man eating another man's face.  Now this is a true story and I am not making it up...someone posted on facebook that "If the cops had gotten all the bath salts off the street this wouldn't have happened. I blame the cops for this."  Ok..first of all, the bath salt seizure that we heard about was for Alabama, not Florida.  Second, are you seriously going to blame the cops for this crazy man who decided to eat this homeless guy's face and then growl at the police when they got there...ummm pretty sure I would have aimed right for the head and killed that guy on the spot.  Personally, I think this person has had too many run-ins with police and might want to either, A.) drive more cautiously and carefully or B.) stop breaking so many laws.  And the next thing I have an issue with is certain people just assuming that all law enforcement officers "think they are better than everybody, stand with their chest poked out, trying to look big and bad because they carry a gun."  People are saying these things about LEO's they don't even know!! I have gotten to where I will say "do you even know him/her"?  When they say, "No, but I know their type.", then I respond with, "All LEO's aren't jerks like the ones you apparently know...they are people too!"  Maybe I am just partial to officers, because Kip is (sort of) one.  LEO's do more things on a routine shift (most of them for YOUR safety) than you do in a week of work!  Not only do they PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE every time they put that uniform on, but they are out there to serve (YOU) and protect (YOU).  Think about Officer Justin Sollohub from the Anniston Police Department: did he think that  he was going to be shot in the head in just a few short hours that morning as he was getting ready to go to work?  Nope..probably not.  Did he think he was going die of his head wound just a few days later?  Nope..probably didn't cross his mind either.  But he did, and he is a hero, because he put his life on the line to protect the citizens of Anniston, AL.  If that guy was willing to shoot a police officer IN THE HEAD, just think what else he would have/could have done to an normal citizen!  Scary to think about!  So for those of you who think LEO's are just out to get everyone, think they are better than everybody else on the earth all because they carry a gun, just remember who you call when you need help.  What if someone kidnapped your child?  Would you still hate LEO's?  What if someone was putting your child in danger?  What if someone was breaking into your house?  Just remember, if you don't break the law, you don't have a "bad experience" with LEO's. 

"In you the orphan finds mercy." - Hosea 14:3

This weekend Kip & I went to what we thought was an Alabama Football signing at Gadsden Christian Fellowship, "Lily Fest".  Prince Wimbley from the 1992 National Championship team was going to be there along with Eryk Anders from the 2009 National Championship team.  When we got there, they had a small worship service, and we were extremely confused as to what was going on.  Little did we know that this signing was a fundraiser for an sweet couple's adoption from Taiwan.  The tickets were $25.00 a piece and they had a silent auction with tons of autographed memorabilia.  I couldn't be more excited to be "helping out" this sweet couple (that I didn't know) when I found out the reason we were there, but this story gets even better.  Kip & I were looking at the autograph memorabilia outside the sanctuary and a girl comes up to me and says, "You don't know me but I know you.  I am Mandi's friend Missy. You look JUST like her!" (For those of you who don't know, Mandi is my precious cousin who passed away in December 2004) I was in awe that Missy even recognized me!  Mandi's mother, my aunt Barbie, always says that I look so much like Mandi, especially when I wear my hair curly.  It really brought tears to my eyes talking to Missy.  After the short worship service, we got in line to get autographs from Eryk Anders and Prince Wimbley.  While we were standing in line, Emily, the lady who is adopting from Taiwan, was speaking to everyone and introducing herself to people she didn't know.  When she introduced herself to me, she said, "You look really familiar!"  She looked really familiar to me too, but I couldn't figure out where I knew her from!  I talked to her about her adoption and told her about a family at the church I work at who just adopted from Ethiopia.  I gave her the blog address so she could read about their adoption process, its if you are interested.  Emily told me what her's was,  It was just a really wonderful Saturday that I was definitely not expecting!  I ask that if you would, pray for Emily and her husband Jason as they wait that oh so very important email saying they can get on a plane and go get their sweet Lily from Taiwan.  Also, pray for Will & Rebekah from Jacksonville who just brought home baby Israel from Ethiopia as they continue learning all the ups and downs, ins and outs of parenting.  Adoption is really a beautiful thing, and I just love seeing these precious children who are without parents and in and out of homes finding a forever home!