
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oldest Living Cat?

I am not sure how old the oldest living cat is, but I am sure my Trixie might be close. I got Trixie when I was 5 years old. We got her at the Humane Society and she had a very bad infection and they said they weren't sure how long she would be with us. Well, little did they know that she would live for 19 years. She has moved with us from 3 different houses, slept in my bed with me & with my brother, and was the SWEETEST cat. She never really liked to play with anything but loved to be loved on and had the strangest MEOW I have ever heard! A few years ago, when we got our other cat, Lucy, we had to move Trixie to the garage, because she started making a mess in the house, because she mad we had a new cat! She always stayed around the house, mostly in the garage. We knew she was getting older and got to the point where we were preparing ourselves for that dreaded day that she was no longer with us. She lived a lot longer than we were expecting though. Saturday, we knew she didn't have much longer with us. She got to where she could barely walk. Sunday night when I got home, she was sitting with one paw in the litter box, and one out of the litter box like she was stuck. I picked her up and put her in her bed and she let out a sad meow. It broke my heart into pieces. Monday morning when I left for work, she wasn't in her bed. I thought she might have gone off somewhere to die, but didn't really want to think about it, because I knew I had to work all day and go to class. When I got home Monday night, mom told me she took her to the vet to have her put down, because she couldn't even hold her head up. She was miserable and it was time. It still breaks my heart to think about. :(

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