
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Always Someone Else's Fault

You know that one person who always blames issues on someone else? Why do people do that? Do they not want to accept that maybe they are the issue? Do they not realize it? I don't understand, but wish I did. I wish I had the guts to speak up too. Like when someone lies to you, and then tries to tell you that they lied because they knew you would get mad...that burns me up. Now I am even more angry that you lied about something, than I would be if you would have told me the truth. Or when a child acts up in school, and the parents try to blame the teachers or other children in the classroom instead of thinking maybe the child is the issue. My ALL TIME favorite one: when you get pulled over by a police officer for speeding, no seat belt, etc., you say that you are being harassed by the cops, because you get pulled over all the time...hmmm. Maybe you shouldn't break the law and then you wouldn't get pulled over all the time. Or what about the famous, "You are only thinking about yourself!". Oh that is a good one. Some people are selfish and only think about themselves, but maybe you are the one who is only thinking of yourself, because someone wont help you do something or someone wont let you have your way. This one is good too: Blaming slow traffic/a big truck in front of you when you are late. (GUILTY) Maybe you should have left a few minutes early to give you that extra time just in case you do get caught up in traffic. (I have had to train myself to do this!)

Signs that you are avoiding responsibility
1. You never think you are in the wrong.
2. You dwell on the past instead of looking forward to the future.
3. You feel you were dealt a "bad hand" in life.
4. You don't think you can change anything in your life for the better.
5. You view negative relationships in your life as being out of control.
6. You think that apologizing is a sign of weakness.
7. You used other people's irresponsible behavior to justify your own behavior.
8. You believe life is unfair & feel sorry for yourself.

How to TAKE BACK your responsibility & STOP blaming others:
1. Apologize when you are in the wrong & learn to FORGIVE!
2. Admit you have made a mistake.
3. Have a positive outlook on life.
4. Identify what you are not happy about & do something to change it.
5. Be open to ideas from others, don't shoot them down.

Remember these things when you start to blame others for something that is really your fault!

Here is a good article about parents blaming teachers for a child's behavior:

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