
Friday, March 16, 2012

Just a Little Humor for Your Friday

So..if you know me, you know I am partial to animals. And I do LOVE animal pictures. Here are some of my favorites! Hope you enjoy's a good laugh for Friday!

Southside vs. Glencoe Alumni Football Game

Tonight, two of the biggest rivals in Etowah County will face off in the first annual Alumni football game! My Alma mater, Dear Ol Southside High, will be playing the Yellow Jackets of Glencoe, a school I was taught to hate when I was growing up. Kip & I decided we would like to get a good laugh in tonight and watch the game. I'm not talking about a flag football game either; I am talking about full pads, tackle, the whole she-bang. It's gonna be good..for a stomach-aching laugh. Kip went to Glencoe until he was in 8th grade & he then moved to Disque and on to Gadsden High, then Gadsden City when they combined schools. Anyway, He grew up being taught to hate Southside; that is just how the rivalry works. It's like Alabama & Auburn in high school form. My very best friend in the WHOLE world, Jillian, went to Glencoe also. I also have a TON of friends who went to Glencoe, so tonight should be very interesting. Let's just say....Southside is definitely not known for football. I think we went 10-40 my whole high school career. When I was in high school, Glencoe wasn't that great either, and we beat them a couple of times. Now, Glencoe has a new coach & they have been very good in the past few years. Not sure how many of new alumnus will be playing for Glencoe tonight, but I personally don't think my dear ol Southside High has a chance. And personally...I could less who wins. I am just happy to get to spend time with 3 of the most important people in my life, my precious boyfriend, my very best friend, and my sweet lil man, Graison! Clai, Jillian's husband, is an athletic trainer, and he is working the game tonight. I have a feeling he is going to have a lot of cramps, twisted ankles, hurt knees, etc. to deal with and not to mention tons and tons of taping ankles. He is definitely not going to be bored tonight! :) All in all, it should be a pretty fun, or funny experience! I will have to let you know how it all turns out!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Always Someone Else's Fault

You know that one person who always blames issues on someone else? Why do people do that? Do they not want to accept that maybe they are the issue? Do they not realize it? I don't understand, but wish I did. I wish I had the guts to speak up too. Like when someone lies to you, and then tries to tell you that they lied because they knew you would get mad...that burns me up. Now I am even more angry that you lied about something, than I would be if you would have told me the truth. Or when a child acts up in school, and the parents try to blame the teachers or other children in the classroom instead of thinking maybe the child is the issue. My ALL TIME favorite one: when you get pulled over by a police officer for speeding, no seat belt, etc., you say that you are being harassed by the cops, because you get pulled over all the time...hmmm. Maybe you shouldn't break the law and then you wouldn't get pulled over all the time. Or what about the famous, "You are only thinking about yourself!". Oh that is a good one. Some people are selfish and only think about themselves, but maybe you are the one who is only thinking of yourself, because someone wont help you do something or someone wont let you have your way. This one is good too: Blaming slow traffic/a big truck in front of you when you are late. (GUILTY) Maybe you should have left a few minutes early to give you that extra time just in case you do get caught up in traffic. (I have had to train myself to do this!)

Signs that you are avoiding responsibility
1. You never think you are in the wrong.
2. You dwell on the past instead of looking forward to the future.
3. You feel you were dealt a "bad hand" in life.
4. You don't think you can change anything in your life for the better.
5. You view negative relationships in your life as being out of control.
6. You think that apologizing is a sign of weakness.
7. You used other people's irresponsible behavior to justify your own behavior.
8. You believe life is unfair & feel sorry for yourself.

How to TAKE BACK your responsibility & STOP blaming others:
1. Apologize when you are in the wrong & learn to FORGIVE!
2. Admit you have made a mistake.
3. Have a positive outlook on life.
4. Identify what you are not happy about & do something to change it.
5. Be open to ideas from others, don't shoot them down.

Remember these things when you start to blame others for something that is really your fault!

Here is a good article about parents blaming teachers for a child's behavior:

Jim 'N Nicks Cheesy Muffins

I absolutely love bread, biscuits, muffins, whatever. If a restaurant makes some type of rolls, biscuits, etc. I am one happy camper. I have looked all over the internet for a recipe for Jim 'n Nick's cheesy muffins and FINALLY found it and it is a VERY simple recipe. I was soooo excited! So I thought I would share it with you...just in case you are curious and want to try them! :) They are yummy!! :)

Jim 'N Nick's Cheesy Muffins (this makes about 20 muffins):
1 1/2 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup buttermilk
3 Tbps sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 425*. Stir all ingredients together. Coat a mini muffin pan (works best) in cooking spray & scoop mixture into pan. Bake 12-15 minutes or until golden brown!

Darrell's Automotive & Diesel

My dad & his friend Darrell opened up their own business a couple of months ago. It is an automotive repair shop in Rainbow City, AL. If you need any work done on your vehicle, call them or take it over to them! Darrell is specialized in diesel repair, but can work on any vehicle! :) And tell them that I sent you! Maybe dad will give me some kind of compensation for bringing business to him! :)

Darrell's Automotive & Diesel
2325 E Greenview Ave
Rainbow City, AL 35906
Owners: Darrell Huff & Jeff McRae

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oldest Living Cat?

I am not sure how old the oldest living cat is, but I am sure my Trixie might be close. I got Trixie when I was 5 years old. We got her at the Humane Society and she had a very bad infection and they said they weren't sure how long she would be with us. Well, little did they know that she would live for 19 years. She has moved with us from 3 different houses, slept in my bed with me & with my brother, and was the SWEETEST cat. She never really liked to play with anything but loved to be loved on and had the strangest MEOW I have ever heard! A few years ago, when we got our other cat, Lucy, we had to move Trixie to the garage, because she started making a mess in the house, because she mad we had a new cat! She always stayed around the house, mostly in the garage. We knew she was getting older and got to the point where we were preparing ourselves for that dreaded day that she was no longer with us. She lived a lot longer than we were expecting though. Saturday, we knew she didn't have much longer with us. She got to where she could barely walk. Sunday night when I got home, she was sitting with one paw in the litter box, and one out of the litter box like she was stuck. I picked her up and put her in her bed and she let out a sad meow. It broke my heart into pieces. Monday morning when I left for work, she wasn't in her bed. I thought she might have gone off somewhere to die, but didn't really want to think about it, because I knew I had to work all day and go to class. When I got home Monday night, mom told me she took her to the vet to have her put down, because she couldn't even hold her head up. She was miserable and it was time. It still breaks my heart to think about. :(

First Post!

Since this is my first post, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 24 year old college student at Jacksonville State University, majoring in Accounting. I only have about 2 semesters left, and when I graduate I will more than likely start working on getting my masters in Accountancy at the University of Alabama. I was born and raised in Etowah County, AL, and still live there today. I graduated from Southside High School in 2006. I have a job at a daycare working in the office and I work 30+ hours a week Monday thru Friday. I don't have much time for "extra-curricular" activities, because I am in Jacksonville at work and school from 8:30 in the mornings until 6:00 pm at night. When I do get to take some time for myself, I usually spend it with my boyfriend (of 6 years I might add :-]). I LOVE traveling and don't get to do it very often, but once I graduate and start making lots of money (Ha!) I would love to visit all 50 states! I am a very very big Alabama Crimson Tide fan (Home of 14 college football national championships...ROLL TIDE by the way) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE sports. Well..thats me in a nutshell!