
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

2nd Trimester with Baby #2

The 2nd trimester came with a vengeance!

Week 13-14, I was really hoping the nausea would ease up some, but it hit with full force. I had to start taking Zofran around the clock again! Making it through the day at work was the worst! I was just trying to make it through December 23rd, because I would have the rest of the week off!

Week 15 - Christmas Day. This was a very hard day for me. I woke up Christmas morning with a little bit of cramping, but I have been having cramping all throughout my pregnancy so I didn't think much about it. Not long after waking up, I had to throw up. Side note: I always take my clothes off when I need to throw up because I more than likely will pee on myself. So I take my pants off and put a towel under me. After throwing up, I notice a large glob of red blood that had come out while I was throwing up. I immediately panic. I bled most of the day with cramping, almost exactly like my period. I just knew I was miscarrying. I was scared to call the doctor. So I sat and cried a lot. Went to the bathroom multiple times to see if the bleeding had stopped. The next day, I noticed the blood was more brown in color, like old blood. This spotting lasted a few days. It was a very hard few days for me.

Weeks 16-18 were pretty much the same. No more bleeding but occasional vomiting. Just feeling uncomfortable. We did get to find out the gender of our sweet baby though! My appt for our anatomy scan was on January 16th. I was very anxious about the appointment, because of the bleeding episode I had over Christmas. I was afraid we would get in there and there would be no heartbeat. Of course, all was fine and baby looked great! HR was at 156. We were extremely shocked to find out baby was a BOY! But very excited nonetheless! My blood pressure was 131/88 and weight at 180.2.

We had our parents over for dinner that night and let big brother open up a gift that had a sleeper in it. It said "Little Brother" to announce we were having a boy!

At my 22 week appointment on February 13th I was measuring about 25 1/2 weeks. Doctor wasn't too concerned but wanted to order an ultrasound at my next appointment to check. Baby's heart rate was fine. I didn't write it down! :(  My BP was 130/87 and weight at 183.8. Around this time, I started having issues with elevated heart rate. While siting on the couch, my HR got up to 175. I was out of breath and felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I laid down and chugged some water and it got better. It happened again few different times over the weekend. Turns out, my iron was extremely low. 

At my next appointment on March 13th at 26 weeks, he opted not to do the ultrasound just yet. I was still measuring a little over 3 weeks ahead. I also had my glucose test on this day. I didn't write down baby's HR either! My BP was 142/101 and weight was 186.6. They did a second reading of my BP because it was high and the 2nd time, it was 132/92. They had me do a 24-hr urine collection to check for protein. I had terrible headaches/migraines starting around this week too. This is when everything started getting crazy, with my pregnancy and with the world. 

My appointment was on a Friday. That Monday, I find out that we will be transitioning to work from home from the time being due to coronavirus. School had been cancelled and things were pretty much shutting down. I got a call from the doctor that I failed my glucose test and needed to have the 3 hour test done. I scheduled it for the next week. 

I went in for my 3 hour glucose test on March 24th. The next day I get a call that I failed the 1 hour and 2 hour portions of the test, so because I failed 2 out of 4 draws I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I did get good news, that my 24-hr urine came back fine and no signs to protein or pre-eclampsia yet. But this explains the headaches I have been having. I had to make an appointment with an endocrinologist to help manage my gestational diabetes. 

So begins the third trimester!

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