
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Williams Party of 4!

We recently found out we were pregnant with baby #2! B is now 3 1/2 years old, so it’s perfect timing! I was ready for another one but hubs wasn’t completely all in. He wasn’t completely out either, but I just think most men are probably never really “ready” to add another person to their family! My EDD is June 18th, but I haven’t had an appointment to confirm just yet. I didn’t do this with B, but I really want to remember where I was, how I felt, etc. in the different stages of pregnancy!

I knew I was pregnant 3 days after ovulation. I just had that feeling. I had slight cramps, a headache that showed up every single day, and I was extremely tired when I would get home from work. These weren’t things that were normal for me by any means. As the week went on, the symptoms just continued to get more intense. Low back ache, headaches, slight nausea (as I am sitting in a meeting with our CFO and executive director), tender breasts, extreme fatigue, cramping that was almost constant, but mild with occasional more intense pains, just an all around yucky feeling. I knew I was pregnant. Into week 3, these symptoms continued to increase in intensity. I confirmed my suspicions when I got a biscuit from Jacks and couldn't eat it because of the smell of fried food.

Week 4, I missed my period, which was no shock to me. I took a test and it was quickly positive. A dye stealer they call it. That’s when the test line is darker than the control line. Apparently when your HCG is really high, the test pulls the dye all to the test line so it leaves very little for the control line. I even took a cheapie test from Walmart too. One of those $.88 ones. It was quickly very positive as well. At 4 weeks 2 days, I had pretty extreme nausea. I think it was due to me not eating like I should because once I ate a full meal at lunch time, I was fine. The fatigue continues to get worse. The cramps aren’t near as bad and only show up occasionally. Low back ache and sciatic nerve pain is a little more intense but isn’t constant. Heartburn...OMG. I have heartburn after drinking water. Tums are my BFF right now. No cravings as of yet. Boy or girl? I have a strong feeling it’s a girl. I wasn’t nauseated much, if at all with B. But this time, it’s pretty extreme! I also had a very weird experience with ringing in my ears. I wasn't sure what was going on at first. My right ear started ringing and then I got this weird tingling feeling, and the area around the outside of my ear went numb. I had muffled sound as well. It went away after a few hours, but it seems that the increased blood flow during pregnancy can cause this!

Week 5 started out pretty good. I went back to work after our 3 days off for Fall Break. Only felt a little queasy right after lunch but it quickly went away. I got a pretty severe headache soon after the nausea went away though. Had my first actual craving-Zaxbys kickin chicken sandwich. Toward the end of week 4, I started having some trouble going to sleep at night. It would take me a few hours to actually fall asleep, despite how tired I’ve been throughout the day! The cramps have pretty much disappeared, with only the occasional uncomfortable pinching feeling that lasts a few seconds. At 5w3d, I had pretty severe nausea most of the day. I finally went and got some ginger gum that does help for a few minutes until the flavor goes away. The rest of week 5, I was very nauseated and had headaches just about every day.

At 6w2d, the nausea was the worst it has been. I was holding back vomit, and doing everything I could to keep from vomiting, and it eventually went away. After that day, the nausea let up a little, but I got a terrible cold. And unfortunately, I can't take any cold medicines, so cough drops were my best friend. Also, coke has been the only thing that I want to drink, because it keeps the headaches away and helps with nausea. Moodiness has been the worst this week as well. I did begin telling those I work closest with I was pregnant this week too. I am planning a super cute photo shoot for B to announce to our parents, hopefully this weekend!

At 7 weeks, I experienced increased back pain, was very bloated, and my breasts were very tender. I had slight cramping and fatigue in the evenings, but again could not go to sleep at night. I started having some headaches that were borderline migraines, that made the nausea worse. Still very nauseated most of the day through week 7! I also had a little bit of slight bleeding. It was mixed in with cervical mucus, and was only when I wiped, but it was still alarming!

Week 8, my skin started breaking out all around my chin area. Back pain and bloating were even worse. I was pretty constipated, and I could hardly eat more than a few bites of anything at a time. I would get full so quickly, but also would get very nauseated if I didn't eat. This is the week I began vomiting, just about nightly between 9pm-10pm. November 12th, I walked into B's room to get him some pajamas and get him ready for bed when it hit me. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Week 9, I had my first doctor appt! Everything went well, and baby was measuring right on target at 9 weeks. Heart rate was 175. My BP was 126/94 & weight at 181. I was prescribed zofran, which I took around the clock because I was so nauseated. Still had a few vomiting spells at night, but the Zofran helped me make it through the work day! We told our parents the day of my appointment! They were so excited (and shocked!). I was still feeling pretty miserable, and come to find out, the Zofran made the constipation worse. I was completely miserable!

Week 10, all the same symptoms. Nothing new really. Still nauseated. Still couldn't eat much in one sitting. Still exhausted.

Week 11, we were planning on announcing to family at Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, my grandfather got very sick and was unresponsive for a few days, so we just told my extended family in the ICU room where my grandfather was. He ended up passing away the day after Thanksgiving. We did tell Kip's family at Thanksgiving lunch though. I don't really remember much about week 11. I was pretty sick and in a fog from my grandfather passing away.

Week 12, nothing really new changed. I was hoping the nausea would ease up some. I stopped taking Zofran and fought through the nausea, because I really needed to clear up the constipation. I don't remember having any crazy cravings as I was still pretty nauseated. We had our next appt at 12w6d on December 12th. Baby's HR was 160. Still having really strong feelings baby is a girl! Such a different pregnancy than with B! My BP was 125/96 & weight at 182.

Jumping into the 2nd trimester, I am hoping to feel much better!

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