
Friday, August 23, 2013

Evelynn Faith is HERE!

Yesterday was an awesome day! I am reaping the repercussions of the whole no sleep thing though!  I am so exhausted and probably wont be much help today at work, although I will try my best.  I basically stayed up all night Wednesday night--thinking if I went to sleep I wouldn't wake up to be at Jillian's by 4am.  I dosed off a couple of times but pretty much kept myself up.  I got to Jillian's a little after 4am.  Clai and Jillian left around 4:30am so I crawled into bed with Graison thinking I was going to go to sleep at least until he woke up.  I finally went to sleep about 5:30 but it was off and on.  I was so anxious about baby Evelynn I guess. I kept checking my phone to see if Jillian had text me with an update.  Graison slept until almost 8am so I got about 2 hours of sleep off and on.  I was afraid he would be upset when he woke up and saw me but he was fine.  He woke up and smiled and said "LaLa" and gave me a big hug!  Sweetest thing EVER!! So we got up, played iPad, watched Mickey, and ate breakfast.
We played in Graison's room for a little while until he wanted to play the "pad" again.

After a few minutes of playing cars and puzzles in his room, he wanted to play the pad again!

So we took his chair into the living room so he could watch Mickey, play the pad, and drink his milk!

Later on, he wanted to go in sissy's room, so we went to play in there and talk about sissy coming home!

He is so silly....he climbed up in the swing and just laughed and laughed!

Love this boy so much!  We had so much fun playing together yesterday!!

He finally sat in my lap for a picture!

He ate lunch, watched Mickey, and played the iPad for a little while.  We tried to lay down for a nap but he wasn't having that!  So we went to meet Kip to give him his wallet and hang out for a little bit until he got good and sleepy.  We went back home so he could take a nap before going to see sissy!  He laid right down and went to sleep without a fight!  He slept until a little after 3pm. 

We got up and changed clothes and headed to the hospital to see his sissy!! 

I got a text from Clai about 12:30 saying that baby girl was HERE! 7 lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long!  It killed me not to be there like I was with Graison, but I enjoyed my time with Graison yesterday! I loved getting to see his reaction to sissy! :) 

Miss Evelynn Faith Neal

He didn't want to have much to do with her at first.  But he warmed up after he opened his present from sissy! I just love that family so much! :) 

And let me tell you....I envy Jillian Neal and her ability to have babies quickly!! I know that will not be the case with me! haha! She was in labor for like 10 minutes with Evelynn and just a few hours (if that) with Graison.  And she doesn't even look like she just had a baby! I'm going to be the one that looks like death warmed over when I have a baby! haha! But I am so happy for this precious family.  And I love them so very much!! I have many more pics on my camera but I haven't had a chance to go through them!  Just wait for the over abundance of pics in the next few days!  If you thought I was bad about taking pics of Graison then think again....cause I have a nice, new camera now that I can take pics with! haha!  

Cannot wait to get off work today to head up to the hospital so I can see Jillian and Evelynn and hold that sweet baby again!! 

Until next time, 

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