
Monday, December 17, 2012


I never thought this day would come.  All my friends were getting engaged, married, and having babies.  Here I was off to the side still in college with no big news to share when we would all get together.  At Christmas parties and get-togethers with my friends from high school, I always felt kind of left out.  They were all talking about their weddings, jobs, kids, etc. I had nothing to talk about, except that I was still in school and not close to graduating.  I just always sat there listening to their stories and secretly wishing I was in the same boat.  When a friend from church recently got engaged, I was UPSET. Major Upset. So upset I couldn't hardly speak to her.  I did not know I would be that way and it upset me greatly.  As always, I talked to my best friend, Jillian, who always gives me the BEST advice.  I expressed my feelings to her and she kept telling me, Your time is coming.  It was hard to accept, but finally I did.  Kip and I had been together for 7 YEARS!  Surely he would get me a ring soon, right?  We were close to being done with school (both within the next year).  I did not want to be the girl that FORCED her boyfriend to propose, so I just didn't say much about it.  I accepted the fact that we would one day get to share our story with everyone just as all the others had already done.  The rest of Fall went by so quickly.  Kip & I stayed busy with school, so my mind didn't have much time to wander.  On November 15th, we had our Thanksgiving Dinner at the daycare.  Kip came by after class and was going to stay and eat.  While we were getting stuff ready for the dinner, he told me Graison was sick.  I asked if he saw Jillian out somewhere and he said, "No, I talked to her on the phone." I said oh did she call you and he said, "No I called her".  He wouldn't tell me why he called.  I did not think much about it at first, other than I thought it was weird that he called Jillian.  The following Sunday, he told me that a guy he worked with wanted Kip to go to Kay's in the mall with him. (Why he told me that, I do not know-He is not the best secret keeper!) I immediately begin to think that he was getting me something very special on that day....something shiny that I have been wanting for  a while.  I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I couldn't help but think that is what he was doing.  He tried to play it off like he didn't buy anything that day...saying they didn't have anything. That got my mind to thinking that I was wrong...until Kip started planning for us to go to the Falls on December 13th....on November 20th. A little over 3 weeks before.....and Kip NEVER plans anything.  I knew something was up.  I was so excited I couldn't stand it and wanted to tell someone!!  I told Shelly at church and Holly at work.  I was afraid to talk to Jillian and my mom about it, because I did not want to put them in an awkward position since I knew that they both probably knew what was going on.  On December 4th, I was at Kip's house and he was playing Xbox.  He had his headset on talking to Kyle when I heard Kyle ask about the "big night at the falls." (Kip didn't know I could here Kyle)  I instantly knew what was going on.  I was so excited!!! I didn't say anything and played it off like I was messing with my phone and not paying any attention.  I was so anxious and nervous and excited and ready for Thursday I couldn't stand it.  Thursday finally rolled around and I was so nervous...thinking I had gotten my hopes up about the whole thing.  I couldn't hardly eat anything at all.  After doing some running around town when I got off work, I went to Kip's house.  We sat around watching TV for a while and then got ready to go to the Falls.  We met Clai, Jillian, and Graison there about 5:30 that night.  We rode the train, took Graison to see Santa, went to the "petting zoo" and saw the animals, and then walked around the Falls.  I was getting so nervous I didn't know what to do with myself.  When we finally made it around to the Falls, we took our annual picture in front of it. I just knew this was when he was going to get down on one knee. I was mistaken--He didn't get down on one knee. We took 2 pictures and he walked back to Jillian to look at them to make sure they looked ok.  I was so upset!!  He said that we needed to take another picture so we walked back to the fence in front of the Falls and he then got down on one knee. I was so ecstatic. I cried and couldn't say anything. He didn't either. A few minutes when by and he said, "Well..." I chuckled and said of course! It was so funny, because that is so Kip. He is not a man of many words and sounds just like something he would do! It was perfect!!  We are so excited and cannot wait to start planning our perfect day!  We want to wait until the first of the year to make any definite plans, but I have so many ideas in my head I don't know what to do with them all.  Wedding planning sounds so stressful, but fun! I cannot wait! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012


I saw this HIS & HER Q&A on pinterest (of course!) and thought it would be cute to do....I will put my answers and if I can talk Kip into doing it then I will put his answers too! 

Here goes....

What would you be happy doing for hours on end?
Lauren: Laying around watching the entire series (all 9 seasons!) of One Tree Hill

What is one thing you always disagree on as a couple?
Lauren: Football; I am a BIG Bama fan & Kip is an Auburn fan...I am working on that though! :)

What is one thing you always agree on?
Lauren: What TV shows to watch!

What is your favorite Olympic event?
Lauren: Gymnastics

If you had the money to buy your significant other any one thing right now what would you buy them?
Lauren: Some type of autograph memorabilia-preferably something signed by Jerrell Harris or Dre Kirkpatrick

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Lauren: deaf-I could still see the beauty of this world, even though I could not hear!

What is one thing you admire about your mother (or mother figure)?
Lauren: The amazing Christian lady that she is!

What food do you HATE?
Lauren: anything with mustard on it

Who is your favorite superhero?
Lauren: Batman!

What value or principle, if any, are you a true advocate for?
Lauren: Abortion-totally against the killing of a baby in the womb!!

Your house is on fire. What five items do you grab before you leave?
Lauren: Cell phone, camera, iPad, computer (it has all my photos from when I was in high school to the present), and ring from Kip

If you could be/had to be the main character of any movie, who would you be?
Lauren: I would be Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill. It's not a movie but it is a TV show!

What physical feature do you love most about yourself?
Lauren: my hair-even though it is a pain to fix every day!

Tell us why your name is your name. 
Lauren: Dad (Jeff) liked the name Jessica. Mom (Lori) liked the name hence the name: Jessica Lauren. Mom kind of won, because I go by Lauren.

What is the greatest place you've ever traveled to?
Lauren: The Alamo in San Antonio

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Lauren: Kind of neither, I am not a morning person at all! And then at night when I get really tired, I get pretty grumpy!

Who is someone you wish you were closer to?
Lauren: My bestest Jillian-we don't talk like we used to and it makes me sad! :( We still talk just not like we did when we were in high school/college!

What quality do you have that you hope your kids inherit?
Lauren: That I still look like I am 15 even though I am about to be I guess looking young!

What's your favorite memory with your childhood best friend?
Lauren: My childhood best friend was MaryMac (even though her last name is not McEntyre anymore, I still call her that!) We used to always go home with each other after church and play church!

If you had to move out of the country where would you move to? 
Lauren: I have always wanted to go to Italy, so I guess I would say Italy

Which of the 7 deadly sins are you? (angergreedslothpridelustenvy, and gluttony)
Lauren: I would have to say anger-I don't get angry often but when I do you better watch out!

What was your favorite hiding place as a kid?
Lauren: In the clothes rack at a store

What music artist do you love that your other half hates listening to?
Lauren: We pretty much listen to the same music, except rap. Kip listens to rap sometimes (Lil Wayne) and I am not a fan! Guess I just answered this question for him! 

What is your favorite hole-in-the-wall place to eat? (or favorite restaurant in general)
Lauren: It's not really a hole-in-the-wall, but it is a small restaurant in Gadsden-Tre Ragazzi's

What do you admire most about your significant other?
Lauren: That he is so kind and polite to everyone!

Ideally, where would you like to be 5 years from now?
Lauren: hopefully married to Kip, with a good job, maybe starting a family?

Who wears the pants?
Lauren: It's about equal. 

What is a household chore you HATE doing?
Lauren: makes me sneeze all day!

What is something you feel guilty about or wish you had done better this week?

Lauren: Well it is only Monday, so I guess I will use last week-I wish I would have made a better grade on my Accounting test.

Who is your celebrity girl crush? (Yes both of you say what girl celebrity you're crushing on)
Lauren: SOPHIA BUSH!! LOVE her!
Kip's is definitely Taylor Swift

Future son's name?
Lauren: I like Tripp, Bentley, Parker, Stewart (For a middle name-Mom's maiden name is Stewart)

How did you two meet? (Tell your own versions.)
Lauren: We have gone to church together most of our lives.  In August 2005, when Bro. Allen came to be our new youth minister, Kip started hanging out more with the youth. He was 15 & I was 17. He got on my nerves pretty bad cause he hung out with all the boys who aggravated the stew outta me! After a few months, I kinda started liking him a little...but I did not tell a SOUL because I knew that Kyle and all the other guys would make fun of me so bad! I held it in until the night of our dinner theater when I told my bestest, Jillian. Little did I know, Kyle was hiding around the corner listening to every word I said. As soon as I finished talking to Jillian I hear Kyle go running outside to everybody yelling Lauren likes Kip! I was so embarrassed and tried to play it off like Kyle was full of it. Well...not long after that, Kip and I really started talking and on December 13, 2005, we sang Christmas songs at the Gadsden Mall. Kip was suppose to ride home with Justin, but someone missed that ride and asked me to take him home. That night, I was on my way home from dropping him off, I get a text that read: "So are we dating now or what?" I thought it was pretty cute. :)

Describe a typical day in your life. (Weekday.)

Lauren: M: I get up and go to work at 9am, then I have class from 11:15-12:15, then I go back to work until 5:30pm, then go home. (Kip works on Monday nights)
T&TH: I get up and go to work at 9am, then go to class 2:30-4:00pm then go to Kip's house and either go eat or just hang out.
W: I get up and go to work at 9am, then go to class at 11:15-12:15, then back to work until 5:45pm, then to class again at 6:15-9:15pm, then home.
F: I get up and go to work at 9am, then I have class from 11:15-12:15, then I go back to work until 5:30pm, then go to Kip's or to a high school football game.

What would you like to do when you retire?
Lauren: Be on a beach somewhere all day everyday!

What is a talent you wish you were better at?
Lauren: a lot of things!

Describe your other half in 3 words.
Lauren: kind, caring, loving

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Lauren: riding bikes

What are some traditions that you now share together?
Lauren: We don't really have traditions yet. I am sure we will once we are married though.

What was your favorite thing that you did this summer?
Lauren: Going to the beach of course!

How would a classmate have described you in high school?
Lauren: Probably quiet

What was a toy from childhood you never had but coveted?
Lauren: Not gonna lie-I was pretty spoiled and got whatever I wanted. Seriously. 

What is your biggest flaw?
Lauren: my temper-when I get angry

What do you do on your bad days to make you happy?
Lauren: SING!

What does your other half do for you on your bad days to make you happy?
Lauren: Just giving me a hug and saying I love you always makes things better!

When you go to an event/party/potluck, what food do you hope is there?
Lauren: Fruit of any kind!

What are your favorite smartphone apps?
Lauren: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Hay Day, Temple Run

What is something that always embarrasses you?
Lauren: Having to talk in front of a large group of people

Who is your celebrity man crush?
Lauren: Luke Bryan

If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you?
Lauren: Sophia Bush-I just like her a lot!

What is your favorite candy bar?
Lauren: Hershey Cookies and Cream

What is the greatest Halloween costume you've ever had?
Lauren: I don't really dress up anymore, but I was Minnie Mouse one year and it was so cute!

What is your favorite type/genre of food?
Lauren: Italian! My dad's mom came to the US from Italy!

What is a sacrifice you've recently made for your better half?
Lauren: I am sure it has something to do with money! :)

What music did you grow up on?
Lauren: Country

Desert island- Only 5 people can be there with you.Who would you want them to be?
Lauren: Kip, Mom, Dad, Brother, Jillian( and baby Graison!)

What is your favorite time of day?
Lauren: About 6 pm.

Who is someone you look up to and why?
Lauren: My mom, she is an awesome Christian woman and I adore that about her!

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?
Lauren: It used to be going to my grandparents house and helping hand out candy, then going to the church, then going to my other grandparents house and trick-or-treating in their neighborhood.

If you were a fruit, what would you be?
Lauren: Strawberry

How are you like your dad and/or how are you like your mom?
Lauren: Like my dad-we like the same kinds of food; Like my mom-we are both very emotional.

What is your favorite classic Disney movie?
Lauren: Little Mermaid

What is your favorite roadtrip snack?
Lauren: Grilled Cheese Crackers!

What do you do for a living?
Lauren: Right now, working at a daycare but I am about to graduate with an accounting degree!

What do you consider "you song?" (or what was your first dance?)
Lauren: I still consider it being You Are by Jimmy Wayne-has been for almost 7 years!

What has your other half recently done that made you love them more?
Lauren: Just being him! :)

What is your favorite/go-to YouTube video?
Lauren: US Swim Team-Call Me Maybe

What is something you're scared of?
Lauren: I am scared of a lot of things: bugs, snakes, fire, something happening to someone I care about

How did your other half make you feel loved this past week?
Lauren: Just by being him! And when he said yesterday (while him and a friend of his were talking about girls being all the same) that he was lucky cause he found one that was different. :)))))

What was your biggest hobby as a little kid?
Lauren: Cheering

What about the world makes you sad?
Lauren: the lack of Christian values and beliefs

What about the world makes you happy?
Lauren: That we still have our freedom in this country!

What is your current favorite song?
Lauren: Marry Me by Train

If you weren't currently married/dating your other half, where do you think you would you be?
Lauren: I have no idea!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Class of 2006

I saw this on facebook and thought it would be fun to do since I have been out of school for almost 7 years!


Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! 







Before I could drive, yes.


2000 white mustang


2012 Ford Focus


Kip and I go eat and sometimes to a movie or just watch a movie at home.


If it was fall, we were at football games.  If not, we were out riding around town.


No job


Administrative Assistant at a daycare


Nah..not really. 








Haha..I sure can. And still remember it!


Definitely the yearbook teachers, Mrs. Casey and Mrs. Townsel


Yearbook room! :)


Southside High School 


May 2006




I wouldn't go back. No thank you!


My senior prom, yes. Junior prom, major negative!


Still dating him! :) 




Yes, just not as much as I would like to! 


Red & Black


Yes! The actress Sunny Mabrey. She graduated in 1993.




Yearbook, ASTRA, National Honor Society (Have to look at my yearbook to see what pictures I am in! haha!


Jillian Diane Parr!! (She didn't go to Southside but she was my BEST FRIEND and still is!)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Alabama Crimson Tide Fan Day 2012

If you know my precious boyfriend, Kip, then you know how obsessed he is with autographed memorabilia! And let me tell you...he is one dedicated autograph collector (and I must be one dedicated girlfriend), because this entire weekend was devoted to standing in 2 extremely long lines to get autographs.  Saturday, we headed down to Trussville to the Lightning Strikes bowling alley for the "Bama Champs Fighting for Brielle" fundraiser.  Derrick Warren's (former Alabama football player) daughter has been diagnosed with a rare disease called Alexanders disease.  Prince Wimbley put on a big fundraiser/autograph signing with about 30 former Alabama football players (most of which came from the 1992 national championship team) along with Jay Barker and Coach Gene Stallings. The cost to get in was $10.00 per person, and you were allowed to have 2 items signed by all the players that were there.  We got there about 3:45 and doors opened at 4:00.  When we got there, there were probably about 50+ people already in line. At 4pm they opened the doors, and we went outside and got in another line. The autograph session didn't actually start until 6pm.  So we stood in the heat for over 2 hours waiting to get into the autograph session.  We FINALLY made it into the room where the players were about 7:15pm and let a little before 8pm.  I was exhausted and hungry, but it was for a good cause and we got some pretty awesome autographs out of it!

This is the only picture I took while we were there. Coach Gene Stallings and Jay Barker

On Sunday, Alabama had there 2012 Fan Day.  I had never been before and didn't know what to expect.  All I knew was that practice for the football team was 2:30 - 4:30 pm and they opened the gates at 1:30 pm for the autograph signing to began lining up and the session wouldn't start until practice was over.  Kip wanted to leave about 8:00 that morning and I wasn't so sure about that.  But we did as Kip wanted and got to Tuscaloosa about 10:15am.  The line was already EXTREMELY long and yet again...I was questioning every move we made.  There were probably at least 200+ people already in front of us and I just knew we were going to stand in line for hours and not get a single autograph. Luckily we carried chairs to sit in while we waited. 
The people in front of us.

The gates to the stadium opened at 1:30 pm, so we waited outside about 3 hours before we went into the stadium.  Once we got in the stadium, we waited some more. They had BIG fans set up throughout the inside of the stadium and concession stands where we were lined up, so it wasn't too bad of a wait. We could even see a little of the practice where were too.  We waited until about 4:15, and everybody started moving.  We moved into this tunnel packed in like sardines, sweat just running down everyone's faces.  It was SO HOT in that tunnel I thought I might pass out.  We were in the tunnel for 30 minutes (but it seemed like hours).  As soon as everybody started moving closer to the gate, it was a fight to the front, literally.  People were pushing, shoving, just trying anything to get closer to the front of the line.  We finally got out of the tunnel far enough to see the opposing team's locker room (The Fail Room). You could see the players on the field, still practicing.  We waited there another 10-15 minutes until FINALLY they opened the gate and let us free! As soon as you hit the field it was a dead sprint to where you wanted to go.  We hit the defense first, and got a lot of autographs of big name players (and some we hope will be big name players in the future!), then on to the defensive coaches, Kirby Smart & Jeremy Pruitt & strength and conditioning coach Scott Cochran. Next, we HAD to find Carson Tinker.  That is the whole reason I stood in that massively long line for HOURS.  I WANTED Carson's autograph more than anything.  I have followed his story since the April 27th tornados and he has become my favorite Bama football player. Kip's friend, Wolfe (who Kip gets a lot of autograph stuff from) got me a #5 for Carson to sign, and Kip is going to get a jersey made for me! :) 

It took us FOREVER to find the Special Teams table.  We ran up and down the field 2 times before we finally found him.  Once I got his autograph I was set for the day and didn't care who else we got! But I ran around for Kip and for my brother and got lots of autographs.  We didn't get a few big names we were wanting like Eddie Lacey, AJ McCarron, Nick Saban, Robert Lester, or Barrett Jones but we still ended up a pretty good collection of Bama players autographs!  It was definitely worth the wait, sweat, heat, and exhaustion though and can't wait to go back next year!! :) I will leave you with a few pictures of Dylan's helmet I got signed for him yesterday!

Vinnie Sunseri #3

Landon Collins #26

Team Signed Helmet! :)

Cody Mandell #29 & DJ Fluker #76

Carson Tinker!! #51 

Team Signed Helmet!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Chick-Fil-A and Gay Marriage

I fully support Chick-Fil-A and commend them for their stance on Godly and Christian values. I in NO shape, form, or fashion have a problem with anyone who is gay. I do not love anyone less for being gay. However, what I have a problem with is that all the people who support gay marriage call us Christians hypocrites, haters, judgmental, etc. I am not juding any one person for being gay, however I will say that I believe that it is wrong and not Biblical (a sin) to be gay. Say what you want about that and call me any name you want, but personally, if you do that you are being judgmental towards me. Because I am a Christian, I will always stand by what the Bible says about marriage being between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is considered a sin in the eyes of God. Because I disagree with homosexual marriage, I am considered a "hater" to all those who agree with it. I have not called anyone a name or said anything ugly about anyone...just that I believe the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Chick-Fil-A is NOT PROMOTING HATRED!!! Just standing up for what they believe in!! Here is an issue I am sure will cause some major controversy if anybody reads this...and that is God DID NOT create people to be homosexual. Homosexuality is a are NOT born that way.

 I am not going to sit back and let some human rights activist tell me that I am judgmental, hypocritical, etc. for being against gay marriage. I just love that it is ok for all you human rights activists to say all that about us Christians, but we say that homosexuality is wrong and we are haters and any other hateful things you want to call us (but that is OK for you to do that, right?). I am just sick of it. Don't try to change my mind about homosexuality. I will ALWAYS AND FOREVER stand by what the Bible says is right and wrong. DO NOT try to quote something from the Bible and twist it around to make it look like gay marriage is OK and us Christians are wrong for juding others. Clearly, you have not read the Bible...Correcting a sinner is in no way being judgmental. People throw out the, "You’re being judgmental! The Bible says, judge not lest you also be judged" without understanding what that means! Any time a Christian points to a certain behavior as wrong or sinful, we are being judgmental. However, that is not true! Obviously, this is an attempt to shame the Christian into silence about the situation. Most people today succeed in shaming many Christians from correcting the sinner, because too many are terrified and simply shamed when they are said to be judging someone, because they call attention to sin. In this day and time, to judge someone is a capital offense, and they say things like, “How dare we do such a thing! Who are you to judge someone else?!” and most Christians shut down, because they do not know what else to say. I say STAND BY GOD'S WORD ALWAYS and He will never fail you. He will give you the words to say when you are faced with controvery over what is right and what is wrong. 

Please do not try to push YOUR beliefs on me. I will NEVER EVER agree with homosexuality, abortion, etc. so do not try to make me. I will not judge you as a person, because God is the ultimate judge. However, I will say what you are doing is wrong and not what I believe in.  
I am in no way judging anyone for the sin in their life. We are born sinners and we all continue to sin, but the difference is when you sin do you feel bad about it? Or do you not even think twice about it and move on with life? I know I feel awful when I do something or say something I shouldn't.  But do people who are in same-sex relationships feel bad about being in those relationships....highly doubt it.  So don't say that we shouldn't judge people "because they sin differently than you do". We ALL SIN.  We were created sinners.  The only person who walked on this Earth that had NO sin was Jesus.  As Christians, when we sin, we should feel horrible about it and repent and ask God for forgiveness of that sin.  I am in no place to judge, but (in the words of many preachers whom I have loved dearly) if you sin and do not feel bad about it, you might want to question if you are really saved.  It is called conviction: God convicts his children when they do something wrong....he puts that feeling in the pit of your stomach and that thought in your head that you should not have done/said that.  If God is not convicting you when you sin, then I would really look back on your life and see if there was that time and place when you really repented of your sins and asked Jesus to save you. 

I refuse to sit back and let someone attack what I believe in saying all Christians are hypocrites, judgmental, etc. I am not going to let someone think that about me. Yes, some Christians are VERY judgmental and VERY hypocritical, but not all are. I will not stand around while others pick and choose what they want the Bible to say and throw it in our faces saying we are wrong, when they have not really read it.  

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ”Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (Matt 7:1-5)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Everything Happens for a Reason

I was just sitting here thinking about the past and where I am now.  I thank God more and more everyday for not letting certain things work out.  I am more than happy with my life right now!!  I was thinking about how "boy crazy" I used to be (but aren't all girls that way at some point?) and I thought about the different guys I had "liked" over the years, especially middle school and high school days.  Looking back, I am MORE THAN THANKFUL that things did not work out.  Some of them are party-er's who go out every  weekend/night getting drunk, etc.  Some of them are now overseas (which I am very thankful for those who fight for our freedom, but God knew I couldn't handle that! :] ).  And others, I have no idea where they are.  Back when I was a teenager who was boy crazy, I would be so upset when things didn't work out with the boys I "liked"!  I sure wish I had known then what I know now!  I have a guy that doesn't go out a party it up every week, get drunk all the time, smoke, or do any of those things.  I have a guy that has stuck with me through it all for the past few years.  I have a guy that I know I want to spend the rest of my life with and will be the happiest girl FOREVER because of him.  Things may not work out for you right at the moment, and you may be so upset when things do not go your way, but God knows what is best for you, and He will always come through! :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Going on 7 years!

Just wanted to do a little something (for myself) and post some pictures of Kip & I over the years. It is hard to believe he has been a part of my life for over 6 years! December 13, 2005 was a wonderful day! A day I will never forget! :)


Kip was 15 and I was 17. Yes, he couldn't drive when we first started dating! It was a little embarrassing at first, but looking back it is a wonderful memory I will forever keep close to my heart! :)


Well, unlike many thought, we made it through a whole year!  And what a challenging/fun/memorable year it was! Lots of awesome memories that I will never forget! It was my first year of college at JSU, and Kip was still in high school...which made for challenging moments at times!


2007 was probably the most challenging year for us. Because of some events that happened, we took a break for about a year. But that did not mean that we didn't talk to each other just about every day & still spent a little time together when we could. Kip was in his senior year of high school, and I was in college. It still breaks my heart that I was not able to spend a lot of time with him during his senior year, but we made it through. It was a very extremely difficult year for me.


But we made it through and from 2008 on it just gets better and better! One day in July 2008, I didn't know how much more I could take, and I just prayed that God would give me a sign of what I should do. I was so heartbroken. I hadn't talked to Kip in a few days and it was killing me. A few days after I cried out to God for a sign, He gave it to me. (God definitely works in mysterious ways!!) I got a phone call from Kip saying that he was going to be coming to JSU in the fall. He asked me if I could show him around the campus and everything. So we met one day and ever since, we have been going strong! :) I just get happier and happier with every year that goes by! :) 


Christmas of 2009 was the year he gave me a beautiful pearl ring that I have worn every single day since. I just love him more and more every day! 


2010 was the first year Kip went on vacation with my family in Panama City. It is now a "family tradition". We even stay in the same room we stayed in 2010...and getting ready to head down in a few weeks for another trip! :)

In celebration of our 6 year anniversary, we spend the day at Callaway Gardens in Georgia with 2 of our friends, Brandon & Haniah. 


And here we are today! I loved seeing how far we have come over the years. Started out in high school, and now close to graduating college. We were so young back in 2005, but I would not go back to that day for anything. Life is awesome right now, and I know it just keeps getting better and better! I love this boy more than anything! :)