
Monday, July 30, 2012

Chick-Fil-A and Gay Marriage

I fully support Chick-Fil-A and commend them for their stance on Godly and Christian values. I in NO shape, form, or fashion have a problem with anyone who is gay. I do not love anyone less for being gay. However, what I have a problem with is that all the people who support gay marriage call us Christians hypocrites, haters, judgmental, etc. I am not juding any one person for being gay, however I will say that I believe that it is wrong and not Biblical (a sin) to be gay. Say what you want about that and call me any name you want, but personally, if you do that you are being judgmental towards me. Because I am a Christian, I will always stand by what the Bible says about marriage being between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is considered a sin in the eyes of God. Because I disagree with homosexual marriage, I am considered a "hater" to all those who agree with it. I have not called anyone a name or said anything ugly about anyone...just that I believe the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. Chick-Fil-A is NOT PROMOTING HATRED!!! Just standing up for what they believe in!! Here is an issue I am sure will cause some major controversy if anybody reads this...and that is God DID NOT create people to be homosexual. Homosexuality is a are NOT born that way.

 I am not going to sit back and let some human rights activist tell me that I am judgmental, hypocritical, etc. for being against gay marriage. I just love that it is ok for all you human rights activists to say all that about us Christians, but we say that homosexuality is wrong and we are haters and any other hateful things you want to call us (but that is OK for you to do that, right?). I am just sick of it. Don't try to change my mind about homosexuality. I will ALWAYS AND FOREVER stand by what the Bible says is right and wrong. DO NOT try to quote something from the Bible and twist it around to make it look like gay marriage is OK and us Christians are wrong for juding others. Clearly, you have not read the Bible...Correcting a sinner is in no way being judgmental. People throw out the, "You’re being judgmental! The Bible says, judge not lest you also be judged" without understanding what that means! Any time a Christian points to a certain behavior as wrong or sinful, we are being judgmental. However, that is not true! Obviously, this is an attempt to shame the Christian into silence about the situation. Most people today succeed in shaming many Christians from correcting the sinner, because too many are terrified and simply shamed when they are said to be judging someone, because they call attention to sin. In this day and time, to judge someone is a capital offense, and they say things like, “How dare we do such a thing! Who are you to judge someone else?!” and most Christians shut down, because they do not know what else to say. I say STAND BY GOD'S WORD ALWAYS and He will never fail you. He will give you the words to say when you are faced with controvery over what is right and what is wrong. 

Please do not try to push YOUR beliefs on me. I will NEVER EVER agree with homosexuality, abortion, etc. so do not try to make me. I will not judge you as a person, because God is the ultimate judge. However, I will say what you are doing is wrong and not what I believe in.  
I am in no way judging anyone for the sin in their life. We are born sinners and we all continue to sin, but the difference is when you sin do you feel bad about it? Or do you not even think twice about it and move on with life? I know I feel awful when I do something or say something I shouldn't.  But do people who are in same-sex relationships feel bad about being in those relationships....highly doubt it.  So don't say that we shouldn't judge people "because they sin differently than you do". We ALL SIN.  We were created sinners.  The only person who walked on this Earth that had NO sin was Jesus.  As Christians, when we sin, we should feel horrible about it and repent and ask God for forgiveness of that sin.  I am in no place to judge, but (in the words of many preachers whom I have loved dearly) if you sin and do not feel bad about it, you might want to question if you are really saved.  It is called conviction: God convicts his children when they do something wrong....he puts that feeling in the pit of your stomach and that thought in your head that you should not have done/said that.  If God is not convicting you when you sin, then I would really look back on your life and see if there was that time and place when you really repented of your sins and asked Jesus to save you. 

I refuse to sit back and let someone attack what I believe in saying all Christians are hypocrites, judgmental, etc. I am not going to let someone think that about me. Yes, some Christians are VERY judgmental and VERY hypocritical, but not all are. I will not stand around while others pick and choose what they want the Bible to say and throw it in our faces saying we are wrong, when they have not really read it.  

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ”Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (Matt 7:1-5)

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