
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Official Wedding Pics - Pre-Ceremony

We got our wedding pics back a few weeks ago...the night before my grandfather passed I wasn't really able to enjoy them that week, but not I LOVE THEM!!!! Our photographer, Lexie Bush, is AMAZING! Seriously, she did an EXCELLENT job! I couldn't have asked for a better photographer! Check her out here.

BEWARE OF PICTURE OVERLOAD in this blog.  You have been warned.

 My aunt gave me this necklace - it is my grandmother's engagement ring that was made into a necklace. Very Special!

 I was saying, "Now I know why everyone wears their hair up when they get married!" HaHa!

 My aunt also gave my this angel, another one of my grandmother's special pieces.  She LOVES angels. 

We were about to see each other! :) These next few pictures are amazing and some of my favorites! I absolutely love going back through them and re-living us seeing each other for the first time on our wedding day! 

 Like father, like son! :)

 Kip with his Dad

 My dad is so silly!

 Kip's not an only child anymore! He now has a brother! :)

 Love this-because it explains Kip and Fred's friendship to a T.

 Father & father-in-law!

Silly Justin climbed a tree - I did not know about this...until I saw the pictures!

 Bro. Allen and Kip before the ceremony!

 My in-laws!

 My parents


Ceremony Pics and Receptions pics to come! YAY!

Until Next Time,

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