
Monday, February 18, 2013


It's been a while since I have posted anything on here.  I have been super busy with school and work that I haven't really had time to do too much wedding planning or anything else!  I have just been thinking about the divorce rate lately...and how much it has increased over the years.  I have come to the conclusion (and I may be late on this) but I believe the divorce rate is increasing at the use of technology increases.  Think about it, many years ago, before the age of cell phones and text messaging, social media, email, internet, etc. the only way we had to communicate with others was by a phone call or a hand written letter.  How hard would it have been to cheat on your husband or wife back then?  VERY HARD!  You would have to be super sneaky to communicate with your "lover" without the use of cell phones, texting, email, etc.  Now-a-days it is much easier to sneak around.  We all have our own personal cell phone that we can call or text whoever we want to without anybody else knowing (unless we look through their phones, but there is a button called DELETE that can be used to hide anything and everything).  It makes it so much easier to communicate with other men or women without our spouse knowing about it.  Another thing is this new invention called SnapChat....STUPID STUPID STUPID. What can you use that for...other than sexting.  Seriously?  Talk about sneaking around....that would be the best way to do it.  Not many people have the will power to say NO when another male/female (not your spouse) wants to give you attention.  If you think about it, it definitely makes sense.  Think about all the ways, with Facebook & Twitter & other social media sites you can sneak around with others much easier. It is very sad.  It makes me kind of nervous to start a marriage in this crazy messed up world.  I just have to have hope that Kip will be faithful for the rest of our lives...but it is still a scary situation.  I do not want to be one of those divorce numbers later in life.  I am just trusting that Kip will always be faithful.  But it is a scary world to start a new marriage & family!

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