
Monday, May 7, 2012

"Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go..."

"...And when he is old, he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6 Yesterday I had the pleasure of being a part of my precious little Graison's baby dedication. Graison was born the day after Thanksgiving in 2011, and when I first saw him, the tears started flowing and wouldn't stop!
He was the most beautiful baby I have ever laid eyes on. I loved him from the second I got the phone call from my best friend telling me that she was pregnant. I loved him for 40 weeks before he was born, and I didn't realize how much I loved him until I laid eyes on him for the first time. He was so cute, cuddly, and just down right lovable! I couldn't keep my eyes, or my hands off him...and neither could Kip! He didn't want to give him up!
It broke my heart to leave him on Saturday, but Kip & I were going to the Alabama/Auburn football game. I was checking my phone every few seconds to see if I had a new picture of lil man sent to me (I was waiting on the picture of him in his Alabama/Auburn outfit I bought him). I finally got the picture and I teared up when I saw it! He looked so cute!
The next few weeks, I was at Jillian's at least 2 days a week to love on that little boy! And MY MY MY how time flies. He is ALREADY 5 months old and growing like a weed! And of course he LOVES his LaLa (yes that would be me! :] ) and his Kip too...I think he loves his Kip more than me sometimes and that makes me sad! :( He would PITCH A FIT if Kip gave him to someone else or put him down one night when we cooked out with Clai and Jillian.
He definitely stole his LaLa's heart from the day I laid eyes on him! Yesterday, Clai and Jillian submitted Graison to God's will and pledged to raise Graison up in God's Word and God's Ways. They made a promise to the Lord to do everything within their power to raise Graison in a Godly way until he can make his own decision to follow God. Graison has AWESOME parents that I absolutely love with all my heart and who are a man and a woman after God's own heart. They are wonderful parents to that sweet angel and will always be. I long for the day that Graison accepts Jesus into his heart! The tears will once again flow like they did the first time I saw that precious face! I am so thankful that I got to share that special day in Graison & Clai & Jillian's, life yesterday. I love their family like my own! Here are some pictures of precious Graison's little life!
I love this little boy so much and I am so thankful that Jillian has allowed me to be a part of his life! I cannot wait to continue to watch him grow up! Graison...Your LaLa loves you more than you will ever know and I cannot wait to see the MAN that you will become one day! I love you sweet baby!

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