
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Beach Fun!

The first week of June we went to Orange Beach for the TAASRO (School Resource Officers) conference. It was a special trip this year! Bentley had both his Papa & Beck-Beck and PopPop and MiMi come to spend time with him at the beach! We left on Saturday and drove to Foley to spend the night with Kip's cousin Joey and Lynn like we did last year. We went to eat at Moe's BBQ that night and it was SO good! After eating, we went back to Joey's and let Bentley swim. He LOVED it and was a little fish! He also LOVED playing in the toy room upstairs!

Funny story, that wasn't funny at the time, but just to show how much he loved the toy room, I woke up Sunday morning and Bentley wasn't in the room and the door was open. I immediately freaked out thinking OH MY GOSH, THE POOL! I ran out the door to make sure he wasn't out there. I didn't even noticed that Kip wasn't still in the bed either. I came back in panicked wondering what happened to him when I saw the light on upstairs in the toy room. I walked up there and Kip was sitting up there with him. Kip said that he woke up and noticed Bentley gone and found him upstairs! That boy loves some toys but he sure did scare his momma and daddy! 

We stayed at Joey's until after lunch Sunday. We let Bentley swim and take a nap. Kip called our condo to see if the room was ready and if we could possibly check in early. They said it wasn't ready yet but would call if it was ready early. When Bentley got up, we went a head and drove to the condo. At this time, it was 3:00 and we were supposed to be able to check in at 4:00, so we hoped that maybe the room would be ready by the time we got over there. It was about 3:30 when we made it to Orange Beach to the condo. Kip went in to ask if the room was ready yet and they said not yet. The manager was in the office and Kip overheard this conversation: 
Manager: Does the customer know?
Lady at desk: Not yet but he is standing right there. (Pointing to Kip) 
Manager proceeds to tell Kip that the people who were in our room before us had to be escorted off the property about an hour ago because they were still there. They had destroyed the room, smoked in the non-smoking room, and caused damages. We were not going to be able to stay in that room. They had one other room available but we would have to leave on Tuesday and move somewhere else, but he was not sure where we would be moving because they had nothing available.

Kip is telling me this and I am livid. We have a 2 year old. Kip is in class everyday until at least after lunch, and I don't have a car because we drove his patrol car since we were there for a conference for his work. Also, we were staying at the same condo as the other SRO who Kip works with and they were going to ride together to the classes and I would be able to hang out with his wife and kids. Luckily, Kip's parents had driven over from Panama City Beach to see us before heading home. They had decided to stay with us for the night and play with Bentley on the beach the next day before heading home. They decided they would stay until Tuesday so they could help me if I needed to move rooms on Tuesday and Kip was in class.

We got settled in our room and went to eat. I was still fuming mad, because we had no answers as to where we would have to move in 2 days. Kip called numerous people trying to get an answer and no one could tell us anything.

It all worked out for the best though. We moved down 2 condos and they actually upgraded us to a 2 bedroom and let us move on Monday afternoon. Everything worked out perfectly. Kip's parents stayed with us for a few days then my parents came down at the end of the week! We ended up having the best time, even though the first of the week was a little rocky!


Bentley and I ventured off on our first trip just the 2 of us in August. Every year (another job perk), Big Oak takes a trip to the beach in August. All the staff, house parents, and kids go spend a week at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat. Kip wasn't able to go because it was the first week of school and he had to be there. We had so much fun. We got to go to Shipwreck Island and Gulf World. It was an adventure but I had a lot of help from my sweet co-workers! We enjoyed getting to spend time with everyone and getting to know everyone even more than I already did! Hoping next year, Kip can go with us!

Monday night we had a Beach Party! Bentley was covered from head to toe in sand before the night was over!

Tuesday we spend the day at Shipwreck Island. Bentley loved the tunnel that he could crawl through in the kiddie pool area! Wednesday, we went to Gulf World. Bentley's favorite thing was seeing the dolphins jump! 

Wednesday night was Chick-Fil-A night. They had balloon animals, face painting, and of course, Chick-Fil-A chicken! Thursday was our last day. Bentley and I were going to come home later that afternoon, because it would be easier to drive at night with him. We got to spend some time on the beach and at the pool before we loaded up the car and headed back home!


Labor Day weekend, we spend a few days at a beach house in Laguna Beach with my family. It was so much fun and we pretty much had the beach to ourselves until Saturday and Sunday rolled around. 

It rained everyday but usually in the afternoon, so we didn't miss much beach time! We played cornhole, and playing in the HUGE waves in the ocean. It was so much fun, but after about 30 minutes of being out there, we were so tired! 

We ate good, of course! Margaritaville on Thursday, Angelos on Friday, dad cooked fish and steaks on Saturday and we watched football all night, and Captain Anderson's on Sunday! We also tried The Yard for the first time! Let me tell you, those milkshakes are to die for! Bentley ate almost all of dad's! 

Bentley enjoyed hanging out outside on the deck. He ate breakfast out there every morning! But seriously, who wouldn't want to sit out there with that view??

Our summer fun finally came to an end. Bentley and I got to go on 3 beach trips, the most I have ever gone on in one summer! Making memories with my family is so much fun! 

Summer 2018 Shenanigans

We transitioned Bentley to a toddler bed in May. He has done SO good! He LOVED when we took the front rail off his bed and kept saying "This so cool!"

We also celebrated Mother's Day with my grandmother and mom. We also went to spend some time that afternoon with Kip's mom and grandmother. 

We spent the weekend in Birmingham with some friends who live there and went to Top Golf for the first time. We had so much fun and cannot wait to go back again! The next day, we went to the Regions Tradition golf tournament. The end of the day didn't turn out exactly as planned, so we went to eat at Saws BBQ and headed back home. 

My sweet baby G graduated from Kindergarten. Time really flies and it is so hard to even think about him being so big! He loves Bentley so much and Bentley loves him!

We officially started our summer by spending Memorial Day weekend with our BFFs. We went to Noccalula Falls and had the best time, even if it was 100 degrees outside! That afternoon, we went to the splash pad in Glencoe to cool off! 

Macie is our sweet friend who kept Bentley for us some this summer! He loves his Macie. We got to celebrate her 16th birthday in June. 

We celebrated Father's Day weekend by spending time on the river on Saturday with Papa & Beck-Beck. Bentley loves to ride on Papa's boat! We spent Sunday with my family. 

For the first time in probably 8 years, we were in town for July 4th. We are usually at the beach, but this year we had other summer plans for the beach. (Blog post coming!) Bentley spent the day with my mom and dad at Uncle Mark's house. Kip and I went to the river with friends! The night, we carried Bentley to the Forth of July fireworks in Gadsden! 

My job has SO many perks! We got to go the "Big Oak Night at the Barons" game. Bentley had so much fun! 

Bentley loved helping his daddy wash the cars! Washing the tires was his favorite! 

We had so much fun this summer! 2 beach trips and lots of family time! I know I mention that my job has lots of awesome perks, and another one of those is that we get off at 3:30 during the summer, so we got to spend lots of time outside before it got dark! We always hate to see the summer come to an end, but we welcome Fall with open arms! 

Up next: Beach Fun this Summer!