
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"In Everything, Give Thanks" - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Everyone on Facebook is posting thankful things every day, so it gave me a thought: Why don't I post a "thankful" blog! 

Day 1: I am thankful for my salvation.  I am thankful that God sent his son, Jesus to die on the cross for MY sins, and because of that I know I will live eternally in His home.  It is such a great/awesome/wonderful feeling!

Day 2: I am thankful for my wonderful family!  I seriously have the best parents in the entire world.  They have ALWAYS been here for me, financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  They have willingly given me money, helped me pay bills, rent, schooling, etc. and they are paying our downpayment on our home.  They have given me much more than I deserve. 

Day 3: I am thankful that God sent me a WONDERFUL soon-to-be husband.  He is really the first guy I ever seriously dated, and now we are about to get married! He comes from a wonderful, Christian family and he is just great! I love him so very much and I really don't know where I would be without him in my life!

Day 4: I am thankful for my best friend, Jillian.  She has been there for me through thick and thin, fights, break-ups, happy times, sad times, anything and everything-you name it, she was there!  If everyone had a friend like her, this world would definitely be a much better place.  She isn't afraid to tell you how it is, and she has made me a better person today because of that.  If I was doing something wrong, she would let me know-in a loving way.  She IS my sister, maybe not biological, but God put her in my life, because he knew I needed a friend/sister!

Day 5: I am thankful for my job.  It may not be the best paying job, but I love what I do, I love that I work with friends, I love that I work at a church, and I love that I am so close to home.  I am very thankful that I have a job in this day and age.

I have so much more that I am thankful for, but that will wait until next time!  Off to lunch I go!

Until Next Time,

Wedding, House, Job, Etc.

It has been a while since I have posted!  So much has gone on in the last month, and time has completely slipped by me! We signed the contract for our house, signed our life away at the bank, and continued the process of purchasing our very first home! We are suppose to close December 2nd, but may be able to close a little sooner than that if everything goes through quickly. 

Wedding Planning: Well lets see...we went to Huntsville a few weeks ago (Oct. 20th I think) and Ava and Addy tried on the flower girl dresses! They are gorgeous!! My bridal shower is coming up in just 2 weeks! I am pretty excited about that!! Other than that, wedding planning is beginning to slow down a little.  Got most/all of the BIG stuff done! Only 3 more months!!

New Job: I started working on my own October 1st.  I love my job, but it is definitely time-consuming, hard work.  I am not used to having stuff piled up on my desk.  But it definitely makes the days go by quickly. 

Family Updates:  My dad tore ligaments, tendons, etc. in his arm at work last week.  He's probably going to have surgery on Monday.  My brother got an early Christmas present: A truck.  Cannot believe my brother is old enough to drive. :( Scary thought!! haha!

I guess that is about all I have for life updates. 

Until Next Time,