
Monday, May 19, 2014

Don't Worry, I've Got This, & I've Got You

Saturday, on my way to my house to check on Kallie, I was listening to 107.5, a local Christian radio station.  My mind was running 90 to nothing (mostly thinking about Kip being gone and how I was going to handle the next 12 weeks) and I wasn't paying much attention to the radio...until I heard the guy talking about this verse:

Matthew 6:27 - "Can any one of you by worrying, add a single house to your life?"

I started to listen to what he was saying...because I am a WORRY WART!! What I got out of that short little message was 3 easy to remember things.

1. Don't Worry
2. I've Got This
3. I've Got You

Matthew 6:25 - 34 tells us that God WILL provide for us, protect us, and be with us always.  We DO NOT need to worry about petty little things that most of us worry about.  If we trust in HIM, he will provide and he will protect.

Worrying doesn't do us any good.  It just consumes our life and our time.  And trust me, I am preaching to myself here as well. I worry about EVERYTHING.  I worry that Kallie will run out of water during the day and get hot. SHE IS A DOG!! She can handle it! I worry about our house catching on fire, or that someone is going to break in. I worry that I will see a bug (I am terrifed!!) while Kip is gone.  I worry about my job, I worry about my family, I worry about my friends, EVERYTHING!

God tells us not to worry, because He's got this, and He's got YOU. He will not give us something we cannot handle.  And if he does, it is more than likely because he wants us to CLING to Him so He can re-assure us that HE'S GOT YOU.  He knows what we will go through, before we go through it.  He knows we will get through it, before we even know we will go through it. time you are worrying about something, remember - DON'T WORRY! Because God's got this. And He is also holding you through it all.  HE'S GOT YOU! I have told myself over and over the past few days - "Don't worry, because God's got this and He's got me!" Trust me, it helps so much!

Until Next Time,