
Monday, October 15, 2012


I saw this HIS & HER Q&A on pinterest (of course!) and thought it would be cute to do....I will put my answers and if I can talk Kip into doing it then I will put his answers too! 

Here goes....

What would you be happy doing for hours on end?
Lauren: Laying around watching the entire series (all 9 seasons!) of One Tree Hill

What is one thing you always disagree on as a couple?
Lauren: Football; I am a BIG Bama fan & Kip is an Auburn fan...I am working on that though! :)

What is one thing you always agree on?
Lauren: What TV shows to watch!

What is your favorite Olympic event?
Lauren: Gymnastics

If you had the money to buy your significant other any one thing right now what would you buy them?
Lauren: Some type of autograph memorabilia-preferably something signed by Jerrell Harris or Dre Kirkpatrick

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Lauren: deaf-I could still see the beauty of this world, even though I could not hear!

What is one thing you admire about your mother (or mother figure)?
Lauren: The amazing Christian lady that she is!

What food do you HATE?
Lauren: anything with mustard on it

Who is your favorite superhero?
Lauren: Batman!

What value or principle, if any, are you a true advocate for?
Lauren: Abortion-totally against the killing of a baby in the womb!!

Your house is on fire. What five items do you grab before you leave?
Lauren: Cell phone, camera, iPad, computer (it has all my photos from when I was in high school to the present), and ring from Kip

If you could be/had to be the main character of any movie, who would you be?
Lauren: I would be Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill. It's not a movie but it is a TV show!

What physical feature do you love most about yourself?
Lauren: my hair-even though it is a pain to fix every day!

Tell us why your name is your name. 
Lauren: Dad (Jeff) liked the name Jessica. Mom (Lori) liked the name hence the name: Jessica Lauren. Mom kind of won, because I go by Lauren.

What is the greatest place you've ever traveled to?
Lauren: The Alamo in San Antonio

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Lauren: Kind of neither, I am not a morning person at all! And then at night when I get really tired, I get pretty grumpy!

Who is someone you wish you were closer to?
Lauren: My bestest Jillian-we don't talk like we used to and it makes me sad! :( We still talk just not like we did when we were in high school/college!

What quality do you have that you hope your kids inherit?
Lauren: That I still look like I am 15 even though I am about to be I guess looking young!

What's your favorite memory with your childhood best friend?
Lauren: My childhood best friend was MaryMac (even though her last name is not McEntyre anymore, I still call her that!) We used to always go home with each other after church and play church!

If you had to move out of the country where would you move to? 
Lauren: I have always wanted to go to Italy, so I guess I would say Italy

Which of the 7 deadly sins are you? (angergreedslothpridelustenvy, and gluttony)
Lauren: I would have to say anger-I don't get angry often but when I do you better watch out!

What was your favorite hiding place as a kid?
Lauren: In the clothes rack at a store

What music artist do you love that your other half hates listening to?
Lauren: We pretty much listen to the same music, except rap. Kip listens to rap sometimes (Lil Wayne) and I am not a fan! Guess I just answered this question for him! 

What is your favorite hole-in-the-wall place to eat? (or favorite restaurant in general)
Lauren: It's not really a hole-in-the-wall, but it is a small restaurant in Gadsden-Tre Ragazzi's

What do you admire most about your significant other?
Lauren: That he is so kind and polite to everyone!

Ideally, where would you like to be 5 years from now?
Lauren: hopefully married to Kip, with a good job, maybe starting a family?

Who wears the pants?
Lauren: It's about equal. 

What is a household chore you HATE doing?
Lauren: makes me sneeze all day!

What is something you feel guilty about or wish you had done better this week?

Lauren: Well it is only Monday, so I guess I will use last week-I wish I would have made a better grade on my Accounting test.

Who is your celebrity girl crush? (Yes both of you say what girl celebrity you're crushing on)
Lauren: SOPHIA BUSH!! LOVE her!
Kip's is definitely Taylor Swift

Future son's name?
Lauren: I like Tripp, Bentley, Parker, Stewart (For a middle name-Mom's maiden name is Stewart)

How did you two meet? (Tell your own versions.)
Lauren: We have gone to church together most of our lives.  In August 2005, when Bro. Allen came to be our new youth minister, Kip started hanging out more with the youth. He was 15 & I was 17. He got on my nerves pretty bad cause he hung out with all the boys who aggravated the stew outta me! After a few months, I kinda started liking him a little...but I did not tell a SOUL because I knew that Kyle and all the other guys would make fun of me so bad! I held it in until the night of our dinner theater when I told my bestest, Jillian. Little did I know, Kyle was hiding around the corner listening to every word I said. As soon as I finished talking to Jillian I hear Kyle go running outside to everybody yelling Lauren likes Kip! I was so embarrassed and tried to play it off like Kyle was full of it. Well...not long after that, Kip and I really started talking and on December 13, 2005, we sang Christmas songs at the Gadsden Mall. Kip was suppose to ride home with Justin, but someone missed that ride and asked me to take him home. That night, I was on my way home from dropping him off, I get a text that read: "So are we dating now or what?" I thought it was pretty cute. :)

Describe a typical day in your life. (Weekday.)

Lauren: M: I get up and go to work at 9am, then I have class from 11:15-12:15, then I go back to work until 5:30pm, then go home. (Kip works on Monday nights)
T&TH: I get up and go to work at 9am, then go to class 2:30-4:00pm then go to Kip's house and either go eat or just hang out.
W: I get up and go to work at 9am, then go to class at 11:15-12:15, then back to work until 5:45pm, then to class again at 6:15-9:15pm, then home.
F: I get up and go to work at 9am, then I have class from 11:15-12:15, then I go back to work until 5:30pm, then go to Kip's or to a high school football game.

What would you like to do when you retire?
Lauren: Be on a beach somewhere all day everyday!

What is a talent you wish you were better at?
Lauren: a lot of things!

Describe your other half in 3 words.
Lauren: kind, caring, loving

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Lauren: riding bikes

What are some traditions that you now share together?
Lauren: We don't really have traditions yet. I am sure we will once we are married though.

What was your favorite thing that you did this summer?
Lauren: Going to the beach of course!

How would a classmate have described you in high school?
Lauren: Probably quiet

What was a toy from childhood you never had but coveted?
Lauren: Not gonna lie-I was pretty spoiled and got whatever I wanted. Seriously. 

What is your biggest flaw?
Lauren: my temper-when I get angry

What do you do on your bad days to make you happy?
Lauren: SING!

What does your other half do for you on your bad days to make you happy?
Lauren: Just giving me a hug and saying I love you always makes things better!

When you go to an event/party/potluck, what food do you hope is there?
Lauren: Fruit of any kind!

What are your favorite smartphone apps?
Lauren: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Hay Day, Temple Run

What is something that always embarrasses you?
Lauren: Having to talk in front of a large group of people

Who is your celebrity man crush?
Lauren: Luke Bryan

If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you?
Lauren: Sophia Bush-I just like her a lot!

What is your favorite candy bar?
Lauren: Hershey Cookies and Cream

What is the greatest Halloween costume you've ever had?
Lauren: I don't really dress up anymore, but I was Minnie Mouse one year and it was so cute!

What is your favorite type/genre of food?
Lauren: Italian! My dad's mom came to the US from Italy!

What is a sacrifice you've recently made for your better half?
Lauren: I am sure it has something to do with money! :)

What music did you grow up on?
Lauren: Country

Desert island- Only 5 people can be there with you.Who would you want them to be?
Lauren: Kip, Mom, Dad, Brother, Jillian( and baby Graison!)

What is your favorite time of day?
Lauren: About 6 pm.

Who is someone you look up to and why?
Lauren: My mom, she is an awesome Christian woman and I adore that about her!

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?
Lauren: It used to be going to my grandparents house and helping hand out candy, then going to the church, then going to my other grandparents house and trick-or-treating in their neighborhood.

If you were a fruit, what would you be?
Lauren: Strawberry

How are you like your dad and/or how are you like your mom?
Lauren: Like my dad-we like the same kinds of food; Like my mom-we are both very emotional.

What is your favorite classic Disney movie?
Lauren: Little Mermaid

What is your favorite roadtrip snack?
Lauren: Grilled Cheese Crackers!

What do you do for a living?
Lauren: Right now, working at a daycare but I am about to graduate with an accounting degree!

What do you consider "you song?" (or what was your first dance?)
Lauren: I still consider it being You Are by Jimmy Wayne-has been for almost 7 years!

What has your other half recently done that made you love them more?
Lauren: Just being him! :)

What is your favorite/go-to YouTube video?
Lauren: US Swim Team-Call Me Maybe

What is something you're scared of?
Lauren: I am scared of a lot of things: bugs, snakes, fire, something happening to someone I care about

How did your other half make you feel loved this past week?
Lauren: Just by being him! And when he said yesterday (while him and a friend of his were talking about girls being all the same) that he was lucky cause he found one that was different. :)))))

What was your biggest hobby as a little kid?
Lauren: Cheering

What about the world makes you sad?
Lauren: the lack of Christian values and beliefs

What about the world makes you happy?
Lauren: That we still have our freedom in this country!

What is your current favorite song?
Lauren: Marry Me by Train

If you weren't currently married/dating your other half, where do you think you would you be?
Lauren: I have no idea!